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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023 - Opportunities To Build Your Fortunes

never regret what you have done...

Your decision at the point in time is almost always correct but as far as you're concerned "it is correct"

Many people want to make money but few (will) do their home work preferring to depend on rumors, hearsay and speculations which are the surest way the dump

Massive lockdowns begun in April 2020 following C19 outbreak & the world reopens almost completely only by end 2022

Vaccinations were experimental antidotes and unexpected side effects and deaths occurred

What have you done or not done for the almost 3 years hiatus? Learnt a new skill, new trade, acquire some additional qualifications or simply 'rot & decay'!

Life is made more difficult by the trade wars, tech wars, currency wars, trade blocs - suddenly, politicians the world over became experts in everything by experimenting with the citizens' lives and livelihoods - in the Land of the blind, the One-eyed man is the King

Has the dark clouds pass and what will 2023 bring? Events unfold over time and boom & bust interchange like day & night

To those who have read my previous write-ups on 4-Year Cyclical movement, where the 4th year ends at a low, you'd would appreciate that 2023 is a precarious climb before the next eventual fall & lows in 2024? Will it ever be fairly similar? Your guess is as good as mine

In a typical topping up scenario, the market attempts to retest & breach the previous highs, bringing euphoria to the 'bulls'

 4-Year Cyclical Movement

2020 - Covid outbreak, 

2016 - Global stock markets fell hard, 

2012 - European debt crisis, 

2008 - The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 is widely referred to as “The Great Recession.” It began with the housing market bubble, 

2004 - the collapse of the subprime mortgage market

2000 - Dotcom burst, 

1996 - Prelude to Asian Financial Crisis, 

1992 - The Black Wednesday, 

1988 - The Black Monday, 

1984 - Oil crisis ...

Trade with care & keep tight "Stops" orders - If you make your fortunes, please donate some money for the poor, needy and less able

It is not all "doom & gloom"! 2023 looks set to be a real time gamechanger. Read further ...

20-Year Cyclical Movement

Those who were hit in 1980s & hurriedly attempt to rebuild were decimated by 1984 where smoother & more sustainable recovery returned

In post-2000 new millennium Crisis, many were buried by 2004 (post-SARS) for good before sustained growth prevailed

Perhaps, 2020 is a signal for change & 2024 will be the definitive game changer

Fortunes favor the braves but the fool and his money will soon part; hope to see you in the next upturn

Friday, January 20, 2023

2023 Is Your Definitive Hour Of Luck

death the leveler...

Almost three years ago, I experienced the reality that 'death is real & can pop up out of nowhere'

Were I scared? No...but the shadows of death surfaced readily 

The fear turned towards those closest to me - the losing of anyone close

I dropped the desire to chase material wants, not that I am materialistic, but i begin to treasure relationship above all else except health

When you were born, your undated death certificate was issued - life and death are destiny but anything in-between is a choice. You may be born poor but you can plausibly die rich

Just then I experienced another bout of defeat; the relationships that I treasured were taken advantage of - people asked for help and i readily gave, only to realize that these people disappeared after they've gotten whatever they wanted

There weren't an iota of 'gratefulness‘  恩与情也变成身外物   

Since I am fearless in the face of deaths, betrayals are amenable & acceptable - nobody lives forever

When i am thirsty & dehydrated, a drop of water saves & gratitude stays

I begun to practice what I've preached; "be suspicious of others intentions & needs" for they'd walk away with the trophy without giving it/you a second thought

Revenge & quarrels are not the solutions! Instead of wallowing in self-pity, regrets and count the losses, the energy is best used to distance away from these scumbags, become persona non grata & be scarce

Some day, they may look back in need of help ... desperately ... except the door is closed  

I have been defeated innumerous times over the last many years but my good LORD/GOD keeps me going - the Spirit is bright and the heart is light

Pains & hurts pass as daylight and daybreak washes away darkness

A man who experiences 酸甜苦辣 know the senses of life & the seasonal changes 春夏秋冬 teach us when to slow down & do the right things right

春 - Time to harvest & enjoy your fruits

夏 - Harvesting & Planting time

秋 - Slow down & recharge and relax into the wintry cold

冬 - Stop, rest & recuperate while awaiting Spring to return

There is a time for everything & all shalt come when its due 天时地利人和 加好运

The definitive crossover is LUCK 好运

1H/2023 is fairly uncertain as the world recovers from the lows & the lockdowns

Changes remain fast and furious and opportunities aplenty 危机

Can you change your life? YES...

Colonel Saunders changed his life at 62yo - he ploughed his pension into starting a fried chicken empire

Deng XiaoPing gave China a new lease of life & prosperity when he opened China to entrepreneurship & pseudo capitalism

Sim WW decided that his Poly diploma shall not be a stumbling block in elitist Singapore

Marcos Junior didn't let his father's defeated history to prevent him from becoming a President

My two highly educated & successful friends in their respective industry, one a Financial Controller and another a Brand Developer, decided to invest S$250,000 in a coffee shop, at the peak of their career. They developed a system, not unlike the MacDonalds and KFCs  & went into franchising and sold off the business years. Each pocketed a few million$$s  

You  are never too old to change: No Change, No Chance

I may (will) face death as all of us will but I am not allowing inaction to lock my course - remember : we are not in the same boat but we are all in the treacherous weather

Let 2023 be your definitive hour of change



Saturday, January 7, 2023

Opportunities In 2023 & Beyond

 time changes everything but not the human's responses...

I expect the 1H/2023 to be equally uncertain and unpredictable

The scourge of Covid will extend its "Last March" against Mankind

It's not about China or anywhere else; it's an universal threat

Those who blame China for suspending quarantine & opening up are blissfully forgetful that they were the same ones who cursed China for locking-in & forbidding cross borders travel. Do you think China is indifference to their (own) people's sufferings? No. The next death could be anyone;  bureaucrats, officials, peasants...

The world must unite to fight against the unknown - viruses, diseases, aliens

The financial markets has rebounded from their lows after China frees most restraints;  the love-hate relationships with China borders on fantasy

When China announced the lifting of quarantine & opens the borders for intra & overseas travels, the world recognized this as the opening of "the world's workshop, the wealthy travelers, the massive tourism possibilities, the untap flows of businesses..."

On the other hand, any worsening of Russia/Ukraine war will dent hopes of further economic recovery. US+Europe (the Mule of the West) are & look bent of fueling the conflict

The idea that the cold war fought in other's home is better than on my soil is an illusion with ICBMs, SLBMs, stealth fighters and the loads of supersonic drones  

My bet is:

SCSeas : Accidental war between China and Taiwan is less likely to happen than a Korean Peninsula conflict that will draw in Japan, Taiwan, US+allies & China+Russia. Without the West supplying arms, the East will rather farm the land than fight - the West fights over ideology whereas the East fight over hunger

World economy : Capital (stock) markets will decline as recession sets in as the recovery from post-Covid is battered by supply chain disruptions, higher commodities prices, rightists policies & hoarders of supplies. On balance, Asia should fare better than the West

The Globe's Better Half : The West will be paralyzed by political adventurism, military complex lobbying and their inability to stand up against untruthful propaganda while the East will be more 'stable' as the people struggle for stability in an unstable world, eking out a living & biting time for peace to return   

Nuclear War : This is anybody's guess but I am not surprised that "if push comes to shove, any of the big powers will press the buttons". Nukes are not built for display

ASEAN : ASEAN will continue to grow at their own paces as trade wars force relocation of industries & China's costs creep upwards. Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam have competitive advantages. Malaysia need to wade through her political sting but all shalt be well. Cambodia needs to reposition herself while Myanmar must settles her internal issues. Brunei remains safe & stable whilst Singapore cannot afford to stumble, both within & out. Indonesia looks most promising

2023 will remain challenging as egos & schemers try to outdo and outwit another. In the same breath, they will eliminate one another; when all passes, the (new) world will be a better place for all

I remain positive that all will ends well. Be prepared, be ready & when opportunity presents, pounce

Take shorter term of views and be prepared to eject & change course

看好就收 危机  

It is not the wars nor the sudden financial collapsed that destroy (many) but the lack of faith, strengths and fluidity/adaptability that kills. 

Hope to see your when Fortunes Turn Better...plausibly late 2023

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...