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Friday, January 20, 2023

2023 Is Your Definitive Hour Of Luck

death the leveler...

Almost three years ago, I experienced the reality that 'death is real & can pop up out of nowhere'

Were I scared? No...but the shadows of death surfaced readily 

The fear turned towards those closest to me - the losing of anyone close

I dropped the desire to chase material wants, not that I am materialistic, but i begin to treasure relationship above all else except health

When you were born, your undated death certificate was issued - life and death are destiny but anything in-between is a choice. You may be born poor but you can plausibly die rich

Just then I experienced another bout of defeat; the relationships that I treasured were taken advantage of - people asked for help and i readily gave, only to realize that these people disappeared after they've gotten whatever they wanted

There weren't an iota of 'gratefulness‘  恩与情也变成身外物   

Since I am fearless in the face of deaths, betrayals are amenable & acceptable - nobody lives forever

When i am thirsty & dehydrated, a drop of water saves & gratitude stays

I begun to practice what I've preached; "be suspicious of others intentions & needs" for they'd walk away with the trophy without giving it/you a second thought

Revenge & quarrels are not the solutions! Instead of wallowing in self-pity, regrets and count the losses, the energy is best used to distance away from these scumbags, become persona non grata & be scarce

Some day, they may look back in need of help ... desperately ... except the door is closed  

I have been defeated innumerous times over the last many years but my good LORD/GOD keeps me going - the Spirit is bright and the heart is light

Pains & hurts pass as daylight and daybreak washes away darkness

A man who experiences 酸甜苦辣 know the senses of life & the seasonal changes 春夏秋冬 teach us when to slow down & do the right things right

春 - Time to harvest & enjoy your fruits

夏 - Harvesting & Planting time

秋 - Slow down & recharge and relax into the wintry cold

冬 - Stop, rest & recuperate while awaiting Spring to return

There is a time for everything & all shalt come when its due 天时地利人和 加好运

The definitive crossover is LUCK 好运

1H/2023 is fairly uncertain as the world recovers from the lows & the lockdowns

Changes remain fast and furious and opportunities aplenty 危机

Can you change your life? YES...

Colonel Saunders changed his life at 62yo - he ploughed his pension into starting a fried chicken empire

Deng XiaoPing gave China a new lease of life & prosperity when he opened China to entrepreneurship & pseudo capitalism

Sim WW decided that his Poly diploma shall not be a stumbling block in elitist Singapore

Marcos Junior didn't let his father's defeated history to prevent him from becoming a President

My two highly educated & successful friends in their respective industry, one a Financial Controller and another a Brand Developer, decided to invest S$250,000 in a coffee shop, at the peak of their career. They developed a system, not unlike the MacDonalds and KFCs  & went into franchising and sold off the business years. Each pocketed a few million$$s  

You  are never too old to change: No Change, No Chance

I may (will) face death as all of us will but I am not allowing inaction to lock my course - remember : we are not in the same boat but we are all in the treacherous weather

Let 2023 be your definitive hour of change



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