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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Discover Yourself

there is no point in looking back but doing nothing ...

Use your experiences to better your life

In early stages of life, it is easier to change course & direction - young and nimble-footed

As you dig in over the years, habits take root and success breed creature comforts 

Change become less desirable & wanting 

小船怕风浪 大船转弯难

Everyone seeks some form of recognition, however humble, whereas those with big egos, vanity & envy demand immediate 'gratifications'

The Universe, some mistakenly called it metaverse, has unique ways of accounting for causes and effects  - positive begets positives

No doubt that if I wanna change to a completely new course in(of) my life, i will face the agonies of the unknown and the uncharted paths - it cannot be simple because every step ahead is new 

It is never easy to ignore the pains, disruptions and unkind surprises as you inch forward

After 60 years, I am exploring new frontiers - I am trying to be the lighthouse of the darkened future

Dark, darkened, darkness... it's just a journey - I am seeking personal enlightenment - to conquer the unknown & unravel my instincts

There is no fear in the search for truths

When you start from zero to zero, it's zero - opportunity costs is foregone even if you do nothing

There is nil chance of succeeding if you don't take the first step away into the unknown

GOD willing, I will succeed

I do not consider myself adventurous but boredom kills

How much time I have on Earth is least important - tomorrow is never promised

I will tread ahead, letting the flow of energy leads me and the wisdom to know my limitations

I am not here to change anybody but I certainly believes that as I change, the world around me changes

In GOD I trust - I am learning to give in to the demands of worldly beings by being indifferent

I will do my best within my means

As my mind clears, I unite with the Universe - my body & mind blend into a homogeneous flows 

Happiness & light-heartedness prevail

I am prancing near Buddhisativa, amongst my Guardian Angels

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