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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

You Are Not Successful Because You Chose To Be

your life is made ...

Whether you are happy, sad, disgruntled, frustrated, contented or indifferent can dictate the pace, reactions and outcomes

There is no magic - it's all in your Mind & within your hands

It's like pain; you'd get by if you've a high threshold for pains. Even in joy, you do not overindulge

When challenged or provoked, walk away, ignore or take leave with minimum damage. If there is a need to fight, fight to win - take no prisoners!

Matthew 6:34 - Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof - "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Tomorrow's happiness and sufficiency start today

We were poor, almost dirt poor, and struggling to make ends meet when young; the next meal is almost always a daily question

We, 6 siblings, from ages 5yo onwards, need to work - child labor was unheard of. It was the hunger pangs that decide

We ['hawk'] worked as hawker's assistants, wash bowls, clean the stalls, sell 'makans' door-to-door, sell sweets, nasi lemak to the well-off classmates, wash cars, do dhobi (washerman)... there were no time for sadness, anxieties, depression, stress, whatever

When we moved to HDB, we 'adopted' loose furniture from whoever were giving away - life was a hilarious not#enough#time#to#use#nor#worries

"Living lite" was the motto: there was nothing to save, no money, no unnecessary material wants, eat whatever is given and available, walk or take#bus to school, light heartedness brought cheers to every eventful day 做一天和尚撞一天钟

Been there, done that - from nothing to something - the only luxury then was 'free time', including watching TV at others' homes or community centres

With the advent of internet, social media & eComms, voices as diverse as noise are heard, some meaningless & others provocative 一百岁不死都有新闻听

It pays to ignore the noise but 'hear the voice'

Man seeks praise and recognition and detest criticism but when you are down, especially penniless, nobody even remembers you exist... you make need to walk to your grave

Can you change your life 命 - 是否可以改? Yes! If you want to be a Chef, start working in the kitchen. If you want to be a performer, start to busk or perform at community events. If you wanna own chain stores, start with one or two outlets, build and perfect a system, then duplicate. 

Have passion in what you are doing and develop your 'hobby' & interests into works

Everyone's life is made. Some are sugar, spice & everything nice whilst others are mundane, stressed, deadwood and regressive

The mother of Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn, was executed in 1536, charged with adultery and treason. Some would term Elizabeth as the illegitimate child but she was crowned Queen. Camilla Parker-Bowles was a divorcee, a mistress before becoming the Queen Consort, then the Queen.

Late starters like Colonel Saunders(KFC), business that started in garages like IBM, Apple, innocuous names like Alibaba & Ten Cents and many unlikely winners started somewhere & that somewhere is "the faith, passion & drives" that were the foundations of strengths against all odds

You  maybe born poor, disadvantaged, less well off but your future well being & wellness are in your hands



Friday, May 19, 2023

Money Buys

money, money.... money .......

What makes everyone happy? MONEY, money & more money

Money makes the world goes round 有钱能使鬼推磨

Money buys happiness when its a means to an end 有钱不是万能 但没钱万万不能

Chances are "those who say money is not everything" have money

With money. comes power, fame and controls, servitude included

In our high costs of living environment & "the most expensive city" title, money meant everything

The HAVEs, the HAVE#NOTs and the DONT#HAVEs are distinctly visible... if struggling to live is a method of control on the lower rungs of society, then the objective has been met overwhelmingly

You need to work to earn some income to pay for daily expenses手停口停

There is hardly any begging as begging is a crime where even the poor, handicap or unable#to#work persons need to obtain a licence to sell tissues 

The number of rough sleepers are rising and so is/are the Q-ueue at Soup kitchen

The earlier that one accepts that the world will never be equal, the better his life will be; no envy, no regrets, no bitterness

You may be born poor but do not die a pauper - many of the new billionaires are from 'rags to riches'

Between life and death, you have choices ~ who dares win

Money do buy comfort, leisure, name, time, companionship and even love except ill-health. Nobody can take over your sufferings when illness strikes

However, when the Grim Reaper calls on you, your time expires

But, do not be obsessed nor fascinated with money ~ money is as powerful as it is "WANTED" &/or can "BUY"

It is a means to an end & not an end in itself

Money has no utility in faraway, suburban agricultural surroundings where you can plant your own food, drink from natural streams & rivers sources, hunt & fish for food

Time is almost at a standstill with this undisturbed surroundings where flowers bloom, birds sing, animals roam and the breeze pampers your Soul

I love money but I love Nature more

Between the money-crazy environment and a retreat, natural surrounding, I will take the latter

Like everyone else, I love money; not too much but enough for me to use as and when I need it

Nothing is permanent. It is to "live best when others live worse". It's this moment that counts

No one should be deprived of a chance to make money

From dust to dust; money greases your paths in life

Do not let money be the root cause of your sufferings


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Making The Impossibles, Possible

some impossibles are actually possible...

Have i reached the cliff? Either I jump, retreat, move forward or standstill

There is no correct answer; it's all within you ~ your character will determine your next move after you've 'halted and rested enough'

People are everchanging, unpredictable, fluid and explosive - you cannot have a definitive outcome

Race and nationality are indisruptable culture and their characters were moulded by years of familiarity & habits

When you're down, few will come to bail you out and some will pretend to help

Down but not out; rest if you must but never quit

Opportunities are LUCK awaiting those who are prepared & ready to crystalize

Which is more powerful or resilient; water or stone? Drips of water seep through stones and cut through them 

Tsunami - a wall of water can bring down a city and demolish anything along its path

饮水思源 十年河东 十年河西

 Every help, however small, helps a person towards bettering his life 人要自动 不能被动

Do not expect help to come to (you) if you steadfastly never lift your finger to help another. Empty promises will drown you someday because you've taken advantage of others (goodwill) while you were riding high 

Why some people are almost always unemployed or underemployed? For a start, many blame others or circumstances for their predicaments. They have forgotten that, during their better days, they remained selfish, self-entitled, offer empty promises and hardly offer any comforting words 种那个因得那个果

How do you win others recognition when you demonstrate your abilities and capabilities yet do not appear arrogant, self-centred or disruptive to others? It is your sincere contributions without being told nor expect any returns

I am no Bill Gates, Sim Wong Woo, Robert Kuok,  Chaleo Yoovidhya, Zobel de Ayala... not even the more established names residing in Bukit Timah enclave

In my own small ways, I am happy to wean a few successful stories :


With my limited knowledge of time-cycles, elliotwave theory, technical, fundamental and psychological analysis, I was able to anticipate big moves (upswings & downswings) - more to minimize damages than to make 'killing' profits 

[Between now to November, the global stockmarkets will likely experience a major downswing. In the current stable to upside-bias markets, index & industry -specific trades, even the fools make money. An impactful drop will separate the boys from the Man]

Deal Making

I am no Sir JamesGoldsmith nor AllenGoldsmith ~ not even PeterLim of Singapore fame. I managed to wrap a few small deals, enough to keep myself alive with bread, butter and some spread of bacon

[Like an aging eagle, I continues to imbue new knowledge to meet market & industry expectations, sharpen my claws to find the next meal]

Charity Contributions

Over the last 20+ years, I have anonymously contributed to charities of my choice and helping the aged, less fortunate and supporting bursary/education

[I continues to do the little that I can, within my means. GOD willing]

Going Forward

I have no magic and I work on possibilities. I am delving into (i) pharma, preventive & eMedicine, (ii) AI, IoT, SaaS, robotics & (iii) eSolutions, eVehicles, sustainable & green energy

[I stand guided. GOD willing, I will succeed]


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...