money, money.... money .......
What makes everyone happy? MONEY, money & more money
Money makes the world goes round 有钱能使鬼推磨
Money buys happiness when its a means to an end 有钱不是万能 但没钱万万不能
Chances are "those who say money is not everything" have money
With money. comes power, fame and controls, servitude included
In our high costs of living environment & "the most expensive city" title, money meant everything
The HAVEs, the HAVE#NOTs and the DONT#HAVEs are distinctly visible... if struggling to live is a method of control on the lower rungs of society, then the objective has been met overwhelmingly
You need to work to earn some income to pay for daily expenses手停口停
There is hardly any begging as begging is a crime where even the poor, handicap or unable#to#work persons need to obtain a licence to sell tissues
The number of rough sleepers are rising and so is/are the Q-ueue at Soup kitchen
The earlier that one accepts that the world will never be equal, the better his life will be; no envy, no regrets, no bitterness
You may be born poor but do not die a pauper - many of the new billionaires are from 'rags to riches'
Between life and death, you have choices ~ who dares win
Money do buy comfort, leisure, name, time, companionship and even love except ill-health. Nobody can take over your sufferings when illness strikes
However, when the Grim Reaper calls on you, your time expires
But, do not be obsessed nor fascinated with money ~ money is as powerful as it is "WANTED" &/or can "BUY"
It is a means to an end & not an end in itself
Money has no utility in faraway, suburban agricultural surroundings where you can plant your own food, drink from natural streams & rivers sources, hunt & fish for food
Time is almost at a standstill with this undisturbed surroundings where flowers bloom, birds sing, animals roam and the breeze pampers your Soul
I love money but I love Nature more
Between the money-crazy environment and a retreat, natural surrounding, I will take the latter
Like everyone else, I love money; not too much but enough for me to use as and when I need it
Nothing is permanent. It is to "live best when others live worse". It's this moment that counts
No one should be deprived of a chance to make money
From dust to dust; money greases your paths in life
Do not let money be the root cause of your sufferings
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