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Friday, October 13, 2023

Make The Difference By Being Yourself - The Self

walking alone into the picturesque wilderness...

Flora and fauna, birds and bees, animals and the wild are the least explored, understood and appreciated by most Man

Animals do not attack unless threatened or/and provoked neither do they kill for game

Flowers glow to attract, pollinate and brightening the green surroundings thus breaking the monotony of the day

The moon and the stars shine and light up to the darkened globe

When compassion and generosity are shared and expanded, the world lightens up and more souls float at ease 

The willingness to help and do charity, minus the limelight is altruism  

Who to help, where to donate and why pay the fundraisers? If you are less suspicious and wish to donate within your means or minimal amount, just give ~ the dehydrated person appreciates a drop of water. Your good lonely acts will not go unnoticed as GOD keeps track of every good and bad

Being alone and walking tall, impactful and dominant is like a lighthouse

You wean others away from danger & deaths


Spring is Harvest time; reaping your hard work Summer is to Plant for the future with the seeds in hand

Autumn is to Reflect & Relax and to shed the excesses in preparation for the cold, laid back wintry breeze 

Winter is the time to slow down 发呆 and Recuperate from a year of work - basking in the harvest done

Spend and enjoy your time with family members, true and trustworthy friends & stay away from fiends and imposters

Dispose them 小人 like a used diaper 拉黑

Walking tall and alone is better that being with the vultures and hyenas ~ they pray and scheme for you to fall & make a meal out of you

I am walking into the future with confidence that Alone I Shalt Make The Difference : I cannot, and will not be able to, change others & the world... that has never been my intention

Stupidity is nurtured while foolishness is nature ~ the stupid repeatedly use the same formula to solve an existing issue whereas the fool awakes after the first bitter experience

My time is limited & every day is a bonus; tomorrow is never promised

I shall fade away in due course... to discover the Truths of Im-Materialism & to enjoy every moments when/that I breathe

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