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Friday, November 24, 2023

Success Is Relative - Everyone Can

has something gone wrong that success becomes distant...

No... success is not a given

Whatever you want, may not be what you need and your 'designated' role play may differs too

Man proposes, GOD disposes & everything happens for a reason

Not everyone is entitled 

~ Colonel Saunders made fried chickens past 60 years old, Steve jobs built Apples, lost it and regain it years later. Khoo Teck Puat was a clerk in 1933 when he joined OCBC. By 1958, he served as the Chairman of CPF Board. He left OCBC in 1959 and started Malayan Banking in 1960. Robert Kuok, though born into a rich family, started work as a clerk in a Japanese conglomerate's rice trading department before setting out on his own [He's a legend and had just celebrated his 100th birthday]. Lim Bo Seng and Winston Choo are celebrated-Generals

~ Prominent turned rogue businessmen, Abalone King Ng Choon Ser and his son, Ng Khway Tiak defrauded banks to the tune of about $60m in the 1980s despite their "good, old name Chop Hoo Thye". (Unrelated to the previous NGs) ~ Ng Yu Zhi's ponzi scheme purportedly cheated investors of more than $1.2bil in nickel trading

Who dares win but not every one who dares win especially those who undermine the Natural Laws of Justice ~ Crime does not pay

We are all entitled - entitled to whatever The Creator prepares for us; nobody will know what their future hold

Do your best and leave the rest

Happiness is not what you have but what you need and have at the very moment of needs

Some feelings cannot be hidden, like when you are in love and when you're betrayed

All shalt pass

Tomorrow is never promised 

The carefree life is like that of a pig; feed, eat, shit, sleep, enjoy the surrounding 

When it goes to the abattoir, almost every parts of the pig is useful ~ even the hairs make good brushes

Whether the rooster crows or not, dawn shalt break

Chickens are forever busy pecking and searching and love every opportunity to show (off). Working hard never beats working smart

Frogs adapt well; changing colors to fit the environment but it's self indulgence also means it forget the dangers around until "it is cooked". Survive to fight another day ~ dead man tells no tales

Success is relative

Alexander the Great ruled from Gibraltar to Punjab. Sultan Osman ruled the Ottoman Empire that stretched large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa for more than 600 years. Genghis Khan, famed clan leader and his immediate successors, created the largest empire ever to exist, spanning the entire Asian continent from the Pacific Ocean to modern-day Hungary in Europe.

No success is too small for the achiever

“All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney - When you worry about succeeding,  part of your energy is spent on worrying instead of spending all your energy towards building success

“Fortune befriends the bold.” – Emily Dickinson - Look around you, especially at those who fails. You'd probably find them repeatedly applying the same methods on the same problem and expecting a different outcome. The square peg can never fit the round hole

先学做人 后做事 When you are honorable, humble and distinctive, success will find you through the network ~ a trustworthy person is worth the tale in gold

At the darkest moment of my life, where the next meal was a problem, someone told me "you'll be a successful Numero Uno in your career"... such foretelling gave a positive spark in an otherwise endless misery

Between life and death, we are capable of doing anything; achieving success is yet separate matter altogether  

Do not even bother to seek success, Just Do It and the best will manifest

Above all, do not be distracted by others prying comments and disruptive intervention

Long after you have pass the post, nobody will even notice your success


Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Vengence Of Return

fight, flight or watch ...

I have dived into the deep end to search ~ search for possibility

All I need is a lead ~ the lead that can manifest into success

Like the intel-seekers ; search and you shall find as nothing goes to waste

You can hide but you cannot run

Rocks are polished into gems, crude is refined & distilled... a day at the flea market may turn lucky

When you earnestly do something or anything, you either crystalize successes or you gain experiences 

Alas! I have been hitting the rocks, the obstacles - it always start well, build up with seemingly achievable targets, signing on the doted lines is a sure thing, then it got hijacked

Hijacked by the 'goodie', good partners who were pretentiously good and were 'vultures and hyenas' in comradeship

Am I not good at identifying, selecting and judging people? NO! I am good at every EQ-angles but I am too trusting and Do Not (pre)Judge

I believes everyone has a noble heart

Worse, I takes Karma literally ~ but, how many times can I get hurt or cheated before my heart hardens? Give no chances and take no hostage are brutal truths

When you are too nice and generous to others, you pay 

I guess I will remain the same good guy as I benefited from good mentors and guardians who taught me values, moral uprightness, integrity and 'to walk away from sufferings & being taken advantage of'

They said that some day, they'd have to pay... alas! But, today I am bleeding from their maltreatment

I start from poor old days, living 'hand to mouth', snaking around a few odd jobs, working in the morning and go to school in the afternoon & vice versa; no task is too big to do... it was truly 'blood and sweat' money

Well, at least, I don't have time for anxieties, depressions, rejections or pressures as "when the hands stopped, the mouth must stop too 手停,口停 活在当下  

I have come a long way ~ no gearing, no bondage, get by the days, trying to stay as healthy as I can be, living positively... dancing in the rain is the best as nobody sees my tears - Charlie Chaplain

I have a choice; either I walk away from the world and reside in GOD's apron or resist magnanimity ~ "take no hostage, who dares win"; be a Warrior Monk

Unlike animals Man is an animal#by#circumstances

A learned Counsel once told me "Don't fight but if you must fight, fight to win" - drop the gloves and bare your fangs

Years of successes have made me weak; a weakling invites others to take advantage

My suave-self shalt return and the animal instinct nurtured 

Fighting back to regain whatever is rightfully mine is my mission

Kindness is not weakness but to succeed in the world today, it's the spirited fight and the fearless self must take precedence

I have returned

Thursday, November 16, 2023

My Struggle, Your Pleasures

 a little achievement at a time...

What is an achievement? Achievement is self actualization, not necessarily substantial

The sun provides light while the moonlight lights up the darkness; aboveall, stars shine when total darkness rule

When all else fails, the glow of light in the heart brightens 

Residing within the heart is GOD ~ the belief that moves mountains and eliminates fears

Nobody has seen GOD & GOD is all about love

Many are disappointed with the selfish policies of "milking the peasants, enriching the elites", not unlike to socialize costs and privatize profits

Everyone wears a mask ~ to mask the real self

The real world has moved away from indifference to pretentious 

The world today lacks compassion, truths are distorted and manipulated. 

The "HAVEs", the "GREEDYs" and the "OPPRESSORS" will hoard resources and dished out crumbs to force the majority to seek, beg and check each other; divide and rule ~  is their tools of control

If doing good goes unrewarded, then why do good? The truths is... if only you will believe, good guys generally die younger or when you least expect. Life on this globe is an opportunity for everyone to repent   

Wars and natural calamities are phases of sufferings and everyone who lives through these harsh environment will return a better person 

做好本分 活在当下

I suspect that I, like many others, are caught in a global shift of paradigm ~ the speed of change is gathering

To be prepared is the best antidote against the uncertain future

To accept the truths, upskill and upgrade your knowledge and to allow setbacks to fade soonest, dusk away your hurts and move ahead is the latent Art of Success

There is no time for regrets, even revenge has to wait    

If you don't build enough reserves, unable to take punches & setback, there are little chance to succeed

DO NOT waste time on others' opinions about you but direct your energy to positively reinforce yourself, your Soul

Every little achievements help success begets more successes

From time to time, I am lost and my battery is low; I will wriggle back into my shell, away from the crowds to reflect and 'seek' new direction

The world loves a Winner and any broken Soul is a curse ~  avoided by most

I am clawing deep into the Earth with my bare hands to find the next gem-path

Painful, ignored, made#used#of, smile苦中作乐and the world smiles with you

I will return stronger, happier and be a bigger catalyst to make this world better  ~ my own little world

I am not here to impress others neither will their criticisms stick ,,, hateful, of course, but I get to write my own biography

When my time is up, I will gladly move onto the next stage

Memories are sweetest when I leave with a SMILE


Sunday, November 5, 2023

The New Normal Will Be Here Soon

patience pays but few have discipline...

2023 ~ This has been a turbulent year

Just when C19 eased and the world reopened, wars and warmongering rise

For a moment, it was fighting for survival and the next, it was fighting to control another

When Covid appeared and spread, no religions nor any religious sects & leaders were able to protect their flocks & survival was 'a game of chance' 

The faithful believe that GOD will protect them from the disease(s); vaccination was also a game of chance whereupon humans are the first 'testbed', no more any animals

The world came to a standstill

For once, ALL religious gatherings were banned and avoided to prevent further spread; everyone's respective GOD(s) were noticeably absent

It brought everyone back to basic 1; that the house(s) of GOD live within oneself - with due respect, there is no need for mega- churches, temples, synagogues, mosques...whatsoever 

Religion & religious beliefs is a "One-on-One relationship" with GOD

In the past 3 years, brick and mortar businesses took severe beatings while eCommerce & eSolutions gained momentum as lesser contacts meant less chances of the disease spreading 

Going forward, I believe eSolutions, FinTech, drones, robotics, AI, ESGnA [Environmental, Social, Governance & Awareness] will rise in importance

Humans will soon return to our 2nd Basic: that "we work to live & not live to work" - the overproduction the world over is not just depleting resources but creating excessive wastage

There were enough to feed the world's 8billion + population but excessive wastage will deplete the much needed resources and aggravate poverty wherein unconsumed food, for which they did not reach those in need, are destroyed

MONEY, Money, money... the grease that ease commerce & exchanges will undergo fiery metamorphosis. Which country's currency will rule the world commerce? Japan has the highest debt to GDP ratio, standing at 262%, followed by Venezuela at 241% and Greece at 193% while the United States Government debt accounted for 121.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Jun 2023

Any abrupt revaluation or devaluation of currency, especially the mainstream currencies, will send a shock through the world. Gold will plausibly be the best bet when this happen ~ the evolution of exchange returns back to basic

There are always two sides to any stories; WallStreet rebounded sharply for a week, gaining more than a thousand points despite little to nil positive economic reports but burdened by intense Israeli-Hamas conflicts. US, despite being deep in deficits, is drawing down on their monies to fund the conflict 

Watch out for the dark angels; the world may be sucked into an unbargained conflicts that could pitch Israel + West versus Palestinians + Arabs, backed by Russia and China - the enlarged war will force the spiralling up of commodities prices and shortage of food

This will also decimate global capital markets    

Nobody goes broke by taking profits

Property prices will take a hit from higher funding costs and cost pushed inflation 

Cash is King but yet perishable ~ the declining purchasing power is clear sign that smart money is looking for safer havens

When unsure, walk away

The world of finance will rejig to a new equilibrium & a new normal will surface

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...