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Thursday, November 16, 2023

My Struggle, Your Pleasures

 a little achievement at a time...

What is an achievement? Achievement is self actualization, not necessarily substantial

The sun provides light while the moonlight lights up the darkness; aboveall, stars shine when total darkness rule

When all else fails, the glow of light in the heart brightens 

Residing within the heart is GOD ~ the belief that moves mountains and eliminates fears

Nobody has seen GOD & GOD is all about love

Many are disappointed with the selfish policies of "milking the peasants, enriching the elites", not unlike to socialize costs and privatize profits

Everyone wears a mask ~ to mask the real self

The real world has moved away from indifference to pretentious 

The world today lacks compassion, truths are distorted and manipulated. 

The "HAVEs", the "GREEDYs" and the "OPPRESSORS" will hoard resources and dished out crumbs to force the majority to seek, beg and check each other; divide and rule ~  is their tools of control

If doing good goes unrewarded, then why do good? The truths is... if only you will believe, good guys generally die younger or when you least expect. Life on this globe is an opportunity for everyone to repent   

Wars and natural calamities are phases of sufferings and everyone who lives through these harsh environment will return a better person 

做好本分 活在当下

I suspect that I, like many others, are caught in a global shift of paradigm ~ the speed of change is gathering

To be prepared is the best antidote against the uncertain future

To accept the truths, upskill and upgrade your knowledge and to allow setbacks to fade soonest, dusk away your hurts and move ahead is the latent Art of Success

There is no time for regrets, even revenge has to wait    

If you don't build enough reserves, unable to take punches & setback, there are little chance to succeed

DO NOT waste time on others' opinions about you but direct your energy to positively reinforce yourself, your Soul

Every little achievements help success begets more successes

From time to time, I am lost and my battery is low; I will wriggle back into my shell, away from the crowds to reflect and 'seek' new direction

The world loves a Winner and any broken Soul is a curse ~  avoided by most

I am clawing deep into the Earth with my bare hands to find the next gem-path

Painful, ignored, made#used#of, smile苦中作乐and the world smiles with you

I will return stronger, happier and be a bigger catalyst to make this world better  ~ my own little world

I am not here to impress others neither will their criticisms stick ,,, hateful, of course, but I get to write my own biography

When my time is up, I will gladly move onto the next stage

Memories are sweetest when I leave with a SMILE


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