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Friday, December 22, 2023

NewYear ~ Winter Solstice 2024 : The Changes & The Future

confidence breeds positive future...

I started 2023 confidently; that i am ahead of the future ~ achievements-to-be were as natural as day and night

The year is ending and I have only achieved 30% of what I set out to at the beginning, not because I weren't capable nor careful but because of others envy and greed

I had expected that greed will ground the deals but I didn't expect that someone can be so envious of my past that he'd rather stymied achieving our common goal than to prosper together & be rewarded handsomely

He wants to dictate and control my directions & to show me "who's the boss?" I am no fool and I am prepared to walk away from the deal and let it collapse

He has demonstrated, or tried to demonstrate, that he can do it with or without me

I have no doubt that anyone can make it but with a gamut of talents, we can achieve ten times (10x) more & better

Alas! I will quit the game... I know what I can do and I am not prepared to be drown in a distrustful union & work with persons with sinister motives 空手套白狼

Like everyone, I love money but money alone is no more the key motivator

In 2023, I didn't achieve as much as I started and intended but I evolved; became more organized, are prepared to dumb fiends and parasites, walk away from arguments and be alone

The enjoyment of being alone is satisficing ~ alone is not void neither is it loneliness

I will not trade my Soul with the devil & no money can buy my character and integrity

I cannot change the world nor anybody neither do I intend to ~ I came alone and shalt return alone, enjoy the best between life and death and trek forward to new journeys 50 过后听天命我只尽力而为

I have my fair share of victories and misses and it's time to go with the flows

Man proposes, GOD disposes ~ i have asked for lots of mischievous wants but only get what I needed

GOD doesn't disappoint neither will HE spoils you

Heaven/GOD Whatever you asked for, GOD never answers "Yes or No"; it doesn't mean when you offer richer offerings, you will rewarded better. HE is incorruptible

Land If you care to plough the land, mine the fields and tap the resources, you get your due rewards. The Land provides 种豆得豆 种果得果

Man/People Man must work to crystalize your dreams ~ nothing is impossible ~ brute or brain

Going forward into the New Year 2024 ~ alas! I am not as confident as I'd like myself to be but I have great plans ahead 

Plans are drafted, brainstormed, PPT prepared and steps plotted towards the goal ~ 2024 is going to be the journey of 'experiences', fruiting & harvesting will be the gifts, not the goals

Perhaps, it is age or wisdom

Chasing materials well-beings were the past, experiencing the journey is a newfound joy

Am I retreating with the tail between my legs? NO. Or, was I cowed into submission? NO. I will give my best punches and every bouts is about winning, not an exhibition of vanity 

Glory is mine & my star shall shines, not for a few dollars more but for the legend to live on

Winter solstice - December 22nd is the only day that the Gregorian & Lunar calendars meet where nights are longer and the sunset arrives earlier

It's crystal clear: we need to slow down to see the clearer the future

Health, HEALTH, health above all & prosperity shall be

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Good Fortunes Favor The Brave

everything changes...

It's year ending again - 11 days later and a new year, month, week, day shalt begin

Everyone claims everything is new but, alas! only the calendar is new; everything else continues

We change with time; if nothing else, age keeps increasing

The best gift we have is Good Health ~  keep it or loss it and you would loss everything

As the year draws to an end, it's also time to spring clean 拉黑

In this new year, be grateful that God has given you victory over many things over the past year - God Is Visible Every Day - Steven M. Hitchcock

Whatever happen, happens for a reason

Many blame COVID for slowing down everything but did nothing constructive nor progressive than to sit back, complain, 'resign to fate', retreat to laze... when the tides turn around, they lost more than 1000 days

Strangely too, global economies slowed and many countries are still limping in recovery

When the winds of change blow, manage your sails, build windmills, cut losses and ride the breeze

Very few win by stubbornly doing the same thing over & over again ~ cracking the code requires initiatives and changes fleetingly

Ideals change once you have achieved them. Why? Because, you wanna be better the next time

Expectations is a moving target

What have you achieved for the last 12 months? Many will ponder, not over what they have achieved, but over what did they set out to achieve, if any

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional - John Maxwell

Earth rotates, moon rotates, everything seen and unseen moves along & changes form

Fortunes and richness seek partners in rotational distribution and so do the less desirous

Man, by Nature, seek greener pastures and migrate to live better ~ this is CHANGE

Man only resists changes when he is too comfortable or is engaged in a downhill (mis)fortune

The stretch of The Bund houses the House of Rockefellow, Bank of China, Agricultural BOC, Peace Hotel, The Peninsula...& many more of historical landmarks

Fortunes changed hands many times

2023 is almost over and do not let 2024 goes to waste as you had for the past many years

You are in control of your Fate and, aboveall, stay healthy

When the Fortune GOD smiles at you'd better be around to receive

The COVID years were used to hone new skills, build up my health, explore new possibilities and getting additional papers

Friends came & went, some stole & left, a few remain and I squared my fortune; made and loss zero

Tough? Yes, but it didn't kill but toughen me

Let go of those parasitic friends, spread some cheers, build new network, explore new possibilities & be REAL - no sympathy to fiends posing as friends nor to cower to threats

Tomorrow is never promised but give yourself the pat (on the back) to ride above the tsunami of changes

It's not "What If"! It's will you be around when good fortunes return

Friday, December 1, 2023

Fool Or Genius - Time Will Tell

 the eleventh hour is the opposite of the last mile...

December is the "11th hour" month; the last and final month of the year & it will never be the last mile

After December, a new year is born ~ more miles ahead ~ time continue; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months

A new calendar with a new Year; the rest remain ~ 31,536,000 seconds resume

Resolutions are recycled, updated and new ones formed

Queen Elizabeth II (QE II) and Marilyn Monroe (MM) were born in the same year - 1926 - but the Queen lived until age of 96yo whereas Marilyn died by the age of 36yo

Both made their marks in the world - between life and death, the world is yours to conquer

We are all made unique and armed with a mission on Earth; some called it "Fate"

命也时也 做好本分

Everyone is different; every generations are different and opportunities differ over time

Why plans only when new year arrives? I do have 5 years plan and I review every 3 months

This allows me to gauge my accuracy and nearness of every steps taken amidst my limited resources

小船怕风浪 大船转弯难

The further away I am from the start point, the harder it is for me to take a bearing and change course

Besides, cutting loss may not be a choice in due course; it's sink or swim ~ show hand

The last three years were very challenging; promising but alas! Harvest were far and few

Regrets were part of the dividends & experience and all shalt pass

Lick your wounds and move on instead of fighting an unwinnable battle ~ live to fight another day

I save every seconds instead of indulging in self-pity by re-investing and deploying my resources in new adventures - reading a book, picking a new hobby, simply relaxing and retreats into the 'wilderness & freedom' from people

I am seeing new headway with minimum to zero headwinds

2023 is such a disappointment but it has it's sprinkles of successes that provided motivations, lights of hopes and opportunities - it was draining but not drown(ing)

A letdown is not a washout 

Believe in yourself and you will move mountains

Opportunities smile at the willing party who never let defeats drown him

Success is sweetest when nobody believes you can and you have already collected your trophy, with champagne & beaus in hand

He who laughs last, laugh best

I am walking towards my last mile - SUCCESS

A stone throw away & a walk in the park

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...