the eleventh hour is the opposite of the last mile...
December is the "11th hour" month; the last and final month of the year & it will never be the last mile
After December, a new year is born ~ more miles ahead ~ time continue; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months
A new calendar with a new Year; the rest remain ~ 31,536,000 seconds resume
Resolutions are recycled, updated and new ones formed
Queen Elizabeth II (QE II) and Marilyn Monroe (MM) were born in the same year - 1926 - but the Queen lived until age of 96yo whereas Marilyn died by the age of 36yo
Both made their marks in the world - between life and death, the world is yours to conquer
We are all made unique and armed with a mission on Earth; some called it "Fate"
命也时也 做好本分
Everyone is different; every generations are different and opportunities differ over time
Why plans only when new year arrives? I do have 5 years plan and I review every 3 months
This allows me to gauge my accuracy and nearness of every steps taken amidst my limited resources
小船怕风浪 大船转弯难
The further away I am from the start point, the harder it is for me to take a bearing and change course
Besides, cutting loss may not be a choice in due course; it's sink or swim ~ show hand
The last three years were very challenging; promising but alas! Harvest were far and few
Regrets were part of the dividends & experience and all shalt pass
Lick your wounds and move on instead of fighting an unwinnable battle ~ live to fight another day
I save every seconds instead of indulging in self-pity by re-investing and deploying my resources in new adventures - reading a book, picking a new hobby, simply relaxing and retreats into the 'wilderness & freedom' from people
I am seeing new headway with minimum to zero headwinds
2023 is such a disappointment but it has it's sprinkles of successes that provided motivations, lights of hopes and opportunities - it was draining but not drown(ing)
A letdown is not a washout
Believe in yourself and you will move mountains
Opportunities smile at the willing party who never let defeats drown him
Success is sweetest when nobody believes you can and you have already collected your trophy, with champagne & beaus in hand
He who laughs last, laugh best
I am walking towards my last mile - SUCCESS
A stone throw away & a walk in the park
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