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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Stock Up Your Energy - Live Abundantly

 Nothing lasts forever; don't push your luck too far...

When you:

Betray your partners and friends to get ahead

Quietly retain mutually earned earnings/incomes 

Harbour ambitions to displace your partners instead of cooperating to achieve mutual success and gains

All these shalt surface in due course and Karma will visit especially if whatever you usurp is not yours (entitlements)

Nobody is a fool and, whatever you do, be prepared to face his 'nuke' response

There are opportunities in every situation 危机  When your trusting friends bring you into his inner circle to harvest an opportunity, count your blessings

Your bosses give you the opportunity to perform and line the rewards & promotions accordingly

Your partners offer opportunities to enrich, grow and prosper together

No Man can succeed alone & in isolation

Be humble, be honest and share the spoils ... drop & drops of water fill the ocean. You cannot take all or you'd drown; ask Steve Jobs ~ how he watch the machine slowdown, his life ends and his money left behind

In this compact time, everything move faster, news & misinformation flood incontinently. No one can react spontaneously without suffering a burning out

DON'T, don't rush to react ~ let the ill winds blow pass and leave the uncertainties to settle 

Rest if you must; never quit

Stay strong and healthy

Be happy, cheerful and positive 

Come whatever may, with health, everything is possible

Entrepreneurs believe that whatever they're doing, they are sure "bets" and will succeed. If true, why are there bankruptcy? Its part of the journey - some will shine while others die

Being employees, you are paid for your efforts though rewards are fairly limited but almost always smooth  

I was termed the 'entrepreneurial employee' during my employment days. Why? My boss wanted to double my salary but I turned down his offer. I asked for minimum pay but commission sharing. Ultimately, I gained exponentially

Being alone is an Art; alone is not void nor loneliness

Everyone is strongest when he is alone... when you are lost in the thick jungle, you'd find your way out

When you are caught in the crossfire, you will crawl out alive

Don't worry about loneliness... if you are rich/wealthy, people from the distance will visit you, however isolated you maybe

Be fair, be magnanimous & be righteous

Tomorrow is yours to live ~ live  and be blessed abundantly

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