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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Suffer Not : You Are The Decider Of Your Life

 no pity; empathy maybe...

In the rat race, when you fall along/on the way, too bad

Nobody's gonna pity you and you can step aside, rest and return to the race or opt out

The dishing out of vouchers, rebates, discounts, offers of helps and assistance are 'cosmetic' assistance that do not cure the problems

Unemployment & underemployment of locals are painfully real and destroy the morale, self-esteem, integrity and 'the feeling of usefulness'

Glorifying the MBAs, tertiary-educated who 'choose' to drive Private#Hire#Drivers, deliveries and to do sundry & part time work is demeaning, at best! No pity for you who fall by the wayside 

Reality is always cruel but to be an unprioritized, second class citizens, who gave much to the Nation, including serving NS, is indeed a complete 'sold-out'; there again, sadly, "you asked for it". If nobody, or fewer, vote for Trump, he will not be the President

When things go wrong, don't start to blame the world except yourself

You, YOU, are the change agent

You cannot change the world without changing yourself ~ YOU are the catalyst 

Don't seek pity; fight the unfairness, challenge the bullies, unseat the Reps, overthrow the deadwood & freeloaders. From zero to zero, you loss nothing 光脚的不怕穿鞋的

When you ask or beg for help, you are at someone's else mercy & your well being is being questioned & ransomed

Fight to win & restore your direction and change your fate ~ be the author of your own life

The world loves a WINNER; losers bite the dusts

The wealthy will always say "be contented, count your blessings, be glad that you have what you have...!" Wisdom indeed; so they are 

Don't expect pity, empathy maybe 

It is unfortunate that in a rush to get/move ahead, selfishness and greed rule. The elites feel entitled. The middle class are squeezed and the others 'live with the crumbs'  

The earlier you accept that the world will never be equal, the happier you will be

Do everything within your means; without bondage, life and living is a breeze 

You are (can be) empowered to reroute your life if you try

By the way, Do your Best & Leave the Rest for GOD/He is always there to sort out

Life is never miserable if you recognize your limits

Go slow... slow down a little ~ we are all walking towards the end 

Between being born and returning (death), you can make your own choices & be the author of your life




Saturday, June 8, 2024

Whatever Doesn't Matter, Doesn't Hurt

sidestep all interference ...

Willing buyer, willing seller is an ideal

Buying and selling is emotionally driven and so is boy/girl, friends & family relationship

The negative effects of shopping therapy is excessive buying, made worse by compulsiveness

If, and when, your wallet can afford it, nobody and nothing get hurt

Finding the right partners in business and life is nearly impossible except if one, or all, are accommodating ~ ideal partners look out for one another

Greed, selfishness, ego and lackadaisical attitude almost always undermine any relationship

How to overcome relationship issues? Avoid the toxic ones

In the beginning, everyone hunts alone

It is the expectation of a larger harvest that resources are pooled and specialization kicks in ~ the factory concept that more are produced and traded

But, every industry & every aspect of life needs a Leader, either solely or to lead the pack

There will always be differences when you work with people - Theory X & Theory Y; the freeloaders vs the initiators   

At extremes, Capitalism and Socialism are bad

At personal level, survival of the fittest warrants everyone to care and love oneself before extending your generosity to others & outsiders

We are taught to trust but many fell for scams and cheats because of trusts. Trust no one is a necessary survival kit

If you are not paid or rewarded materially or in kind for your efforts, don't do

Many are leeching on charity and charitable acts to enhance their own well being and wealth

Exploitation is the norm ~ politicians exploit the people's trusts, internet scams prey on human weaknesses and gullibility and weak people will almost always suffer exploitation

The world forward will be populated by the selfish, self-entitled, egoistic grandiose ~ those with grandiose narcissism; aggressive, dominant, and exaggerate their importance.

The best defense is NOT to give them any attention - ignore them completely 

Whatever you don't receive or allow indulgence doesn't matter and never hurts

This is life: 吃喝玩乐

吃 - eat to live, not live to eat

喝 - drinking, without excessiveness, is poetic relieve & enjoyment

玩 - it's not just about play but to create a balance between the physical and your mind

乐 - pleasure without excessive indulgences develop a healthy balance of mind and body

You  can do all the above by yourself, not necessarily with groups or others

Relieve yourself from bondage and nobody can enslave you

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Are Your Friends A Wolf Or A Fox?

fight or flight is not my cup of tea...

I am not afraid to fight nor will I take flight at the drop at the of a needle

But, I only do 'no holds bar' fights ~ fight to win ~ attack is the best defense 

War is always cruel and blood flows mercilessly; friends or foes

Perpetrators and provocateurs must be destroyed & decimated

The lesser the expectation, the lower the disappointment

There is no need to scam to succeed but the slimy fiends will do everything to gain advantage and to floor the less suspicious and trusting ones

The world is spinning faster and the poor are getting poorer ~ The richest 1 percent grabbed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth worth $42 trillion created since 2020, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99 percent of the world’s population, reveals a new Oxfam report today (2023). During the past decade, the richest 1 percent had captured around half of all new wealth - Oxfam International

Is this not the reason why more resort to scams & schemes to outwit one another? Survival of the fittest is today's anomaly; dog eats dog is the in-thing and normalcy

Remember those who gave you a push when you were down and be grateful 饮水思源 - A drop of water is enough to save a dehydrated person 

The chinese character "One person" is and ["benevolence"] is pronounced as "ren" too

Whatever everyone do, you must consider the impact on others 人与仁 [pictorially more than one persons] - no man is an island 

见微知著 You can stop things from escalating when you intervene early but if you allow it to manifest,  intervention may be too late and not able to ringfence the situation

A person with bad character can be easily tempted at your expense; you're his convenient sacrificial lamb

In this disruptive time, it helps to reserve some suspicions instead of pouring all out to help and trust

Trust no one until time proves otherwise

A Master once told me "you are a fighter and you fight well but you shouldn't waste your energy trusting everyone and henceforth needs to wrestle back in due course"

Let us start with a dream, a goal, an ideal 可遇不可求 & pursue earnestly, within our means

Alone, you cannot achieve all; 人与仁 you need others to achieve your ideal ~ the synergistic effect

君子不一定要除掉每一个小人 但必须懂得利用人才。 不用战胜 只要不输

When you tie a knot, untie it. Do not cut. It will never be the same again

Believe in yourself

The world is yours to gain and conquer

Seek the right direction

Some day soon, you will succeed

If/When you are too trusting, you could be the meal of the perpetrator and scammer

You can trust the wolf but never a fox; both look fairly alike but the scheming Fox will eat you alive whereas the Wolf is loyal

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...