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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Whatever Doesn't Matter, Doesn't Hurt

sidestep all interference ...

Willing buyer, willing seller is an ideal

Buying and selling is emotionally driven and so is boy/girl, friends & family relationship

The negative effects of shopping therapy is excessive buying, made worse by compulsiveness

If, and when, your wallet can afford it, nobody and nothing get hurt

Finding the right partners in business and life is nearly impossible except if one, or all, are accommodating ~ ideal partners look out for one another

Greed, selfishness, ego and lackadaisical attitude almost always undermine any relationship

How to overcome relationship issues? Avoid the toxic ones

In the beginning, everyone hunts alone

It is the expectation of a larger harvest that resources are pooled and specialization kicks in ~ the factory concept that more are produced and traded

But, every industry & every aspect of life needs a Leader, either solely or to lead the pack

There will always be differences when you work with people - Theory X & Theory Y; the freeloaders vs the initiators   

At extremes, Capitalism and Socialism are bad

At personal level, survival of the fittest warrants everyone to care and love oneself before extending your generosity to others & outsiders

We are taught to trust but many fell for scams and cheats because of trusts. Trust no one is a necessary survival kit

If you are not paid or rewarded materially or in kind for your efforts, don't do

Many are leeching on charity and charitable acts to enhance their own well being and wealth

Exploitation is the norm ~ politicians exploit the people's trusts, internet scams prey on human weaknesses and gullibility and weak people will almost always suffer exploitation

The world forward will be populated by the selfish, self-entitled, egoistic grandiose ~ those with grandiose narcissism; aggressive, dominant, and exaggerate their importance.

The best defense is NOT to give them any attention - ignore them completely 

Whatever you don't receive or allow indulgence doesn't matter and never hurts

This is life: 吃喝玩乐

吃 - eat to live, not live to eat

喝 - drinking, without excessiveness, is poetic relieve & enjoyment

玩 - it's not just about play but to create a balance between the physical and your mind

乐 - pleasure without excessive indulgences develop a healthy balance of mind and body

You  can do all the above by yourself, not necessarily with groups or others

Relieve yourself from bondage and nobody can enslave you

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