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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Make Peace With Yourself

peace comes with a price...

I love to be alone, to reflect and to meditate

Alone is not loneliness and it's neither void

When the sea ends, land resumes

There is opportunity, hope and healing ~ just be patient, acceptable to changes and have empathy 

Nobody is a loser neither a 'born loser'; you maybe born poor but you need not die a pauper

Through GOD, there is Hope

Even the atheist may seek a glimpse (ray) of hope when his life's near 'the end'; hoping it would not end

People speak loosely about wars and warmongering, conveniently forgetting the potential of agony, suffering, destruction, damages and lost of lives

Reconstruction and repairs cannot heal the emotional damage, destruction and dented souls; the hate will be deeply ingrained and remembered

In today's MAD [Mutual Assured Destruction],  mad world - a war will likely end all wars with nukes flying around

Nobody, NOBODY, no country... will surrender and be defeated if he has nuclear weapons without firing any of them to 'seek equality in sufferings'

Peace begets prosperity, wars give destruction

The rich will have to eat money if the poor do not sell their food supplies to them; the rich cannot live in  a sea of poor

We should consciously reject all negative vibes and vigorously embrace the positives

In turbulence and uncertainty, remain calm

Watch, observe, stay off the line of live firings and stay indoor until the ill winds blow over

When all's burnt to the ground, a new lease begins with ... hope, reconstruction and repairs

It's darkest before dawn (breaks) 在黎明之前是最黑暗的

Make peace with everyone; like the mother's love that never fades

Whether you are 1yo or 99yo, you will always be the baby in your mother's eyes

Never let gossips, half-truths, accusations and ostracism dent your spirit and determination

Be truthful, knows your limits and build a steely grit and take all challenges as a flow; everything come and go

No matter what(ever) may go wrong, a wholesome, united family stands steadfastly together will tame the challenges

GOD is the defender & definitor  

Money and the fool will soon part

The western markets [DJIA, S&P500, NASDAQ] have been enjoying a good bull run for the past 5years whereas the eastern markets [HK/China] were bear whipped for the same period

Will the overvalued West be undermined by the cheaper East? It is "yes" and when...

 Smart monies are never loyal but sniff and seek better & safer haven somewhere when opportune arise

钱不是万能 但没钱万万不能

Money can and do buy peace

The world produces more than enough food to feed everyone & if the wealthy don't hoard food, there will be no poverty

Wars and warmongering are the works of the wealthy, owners of military complexes and hawkish politicians seeking personal vanity and gains

The world will be destroyed by the Greed, the Envious and the Schemer ~ politicians backed by evil monies are a "time-bomb" 

Belief in GOD and trust yourself; nobody will shed a tear for you when you pass on, save for your immediate family

Everything that were yours will be thrown and disposed off except for your money and assets, if any

Enjoy every moment now, for tomorrow is never promised

Sunday, August 11, 2024

I Am The Catalyst: Every Gloom Has Its Sparks

be the light upon oneself ...

When your parents are wealthy, powerful, famous and established, use their network to manifest your career and business

When your parents are working class and commoners, academic excellence and doing businesses are the easiest ladders to climb the social ladder

Not everyone is cut up to do business but everyone can glide up the social ladder by/via EQ, IQ and AQ [adversity quotient]

When the going is tough, the tough keeps going

Live best when others live worse

Nobody cares if you are down, unwell or 'hit the rocks' & there is no point sharing your sufferings with anyone as 80% do not care and 20% are happy that you are in a quagmire

Sticks and stones break bones but not words; ignore the criticisms, gossips and heresays

Nobody gets hurt for ignoring the negative vibes

Lie low when your chips are low and never swim against the tides ~ the rules of Survival is to go with the flows

When money speaks, nobody checks the grammar; money buy most things

Everyone works hard and fights for the best returns and rewards

Nobody is a weakling ~ the birds eat the ants and when the bird dies, the ants feast on its body

Be yourself and defend with patience that the/all failures will pass - the steadfastness of character and truths will overcome all challenges

When you are tired, rest but don't quit... every tiny step is a walk in the park

I am the light onto myself; the lighthouse that brightens when I am down but not out

I have avoided the unnecessary publicity and uncalled & baseless criticisms which undermine me

I shall go with the flow and return a better self

Like the Eagle and the Trout, fly high to get a clear picture and swim upstream to spawn - take the journey that few dare

On the wider perspective, many are telling me that 'time is tough, the going is rough, it's doom & gloom', & asked "what will tomorrow bring?" When everybody is drowned in sorrows, then "it is fine" because you are not alone in this tough environment

Life is cruising at norm

Rough weather shalt pass too

Let us be consistent; keep the smiles and grit for GOD will deliver

Some say tomorrow will be better but I live best & to the fullest today

In GOD I trust... I am the driver and HE is my GPS

I Want Back My Simple Life

looking back and letting go of the past... As you move forward in life, you reminisce your past  When you were struggling to put meals on th...