an unsettled mind is hyperactive...
Whoever says that everyone is entitled to success
Who can ever promise that you will get whatever you want and wish for just because you worked hard for it
Nothing is promised ~ even your renowned Master and fortune tellers cannot be sure
Why get bottled up and worked up over something that nobody can assure you
Seek peace with yourself and GOD, for HE shall deliver
Trust that the paths forward are paved and ideal for you... be patient
Do your best & leave the rest
Read and learn more, upskill and upgrade and be EQ, AQ & CQ ready - EQ: Emotional Quotient smart AQ: Adaptability Quotient: One's ability to adapt to changes. CQ: Curiosity Quotient: Curiosity and open-mindedness
Fight or flight is only a letter different but always fight to win and flight to survive
Walk away when it gets hot under the collar
The persistent negativity is a norm in human affairs in any decent society; root out one and another pop up. Be resolute against negatives
Positive energy eliminate and minimize the negatives
Do not press ahead when you are weak and not ready. Confidence alone cannot win if the foundation is unstable and inadequate
Be optimistic and positive but be aware of your own weaknesses and unpreparedness
A restless person makes the journey more dangerous and prone to failures due to impatience and misjudgement
Knots are to be untangled, not cut
Not every journey can be completed in one breath
In a world of more than 8bil people, only over 190 sprinters have run faster than 10 seconds since 1968 when Jim Hines broke the sub-10 barrier and won the 1968 Summer Olympics
When fires and water interplay, the situation is blurred and grueling and the final result is reconstruction and restoration ~ nothing will be the same again
Only brutal truths and consistency can shield one from negativity
Ideally, live the life of a pig; eat your fill, drink enough, rest well, sleep soundly and dream exotically
Tomorrow is never promised and the next stop could be the abattoir
There are no leftovers of a pig. Much is consumed and it's a base for medicines manufacturing
Live well today and every moment ~ day in, day out
Your dreams and aspirations will materialize so long as you live to harvest... a dead Man has no dreams
The trapped mind that's mired in worries, unfulfilled goals and broken dreams will end up sick... very sick indeed. Sleep your worries away or leave your worries in your dreams; wake up without it
Without good health, nothing can be achieved
A healthy person is almost free from sicknesses
For whatever come may, the positively strong mind weaned off negativity
We can hope and pray for a better future but if you cannot live well and happy today, whatever tomorrow bring will not satisfy you; you are caught in the circular wave of disenfranchisement
Make hay when the sun shines as you will make lemonade out of lemons
Get away from noises and unnecessary disruptions that drown your tempo
If there is nothing better to do, do nothing
It is knowledge and wisdom, not age, that builds characters
You are born free, so remains free
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