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Monday, March 30, 2009

How To Be Lucky

How To Be Lucky

However good you perform, someone will be dissatisfied
Whatever good you do, you cannot satisfy everybody
Life is not about winning all the time; it is about winning some, if not most, of the time
Nobody will pity you when you fail; anyway whats the point of pity? Get up, restart and get going.
The challenge is not to play to the audience but to give oneself a fair chance to success as no one will
Be Zen with life; we arrived alone and naked and shall return alone when the time is up
No amount of material gains can give you peace, health and happiness; the search is within
We are always moving forward in time but most did not follow through with thoughts and actions
Happiness and sadness are like sunrise and sunset; it comes in cycles
All have dreams but the brave, steady and determine crystallize dreams 
Do not despair!
Napolean has his Waterloo as Alexander met his Babylon 
Rich or poor, some day, we will have ours as Death is the Leveller
Live your best today though tomorrow will come
Do not underestimate the power of the mind; be positive, be ready and You will be LUCKY
Fortunes smile at all who are positive... be ready to receive 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Tao of Loneliness


Loneliness is not about being alone nor abandon; its when time almost stall but life goes on
Loneliness allows one to be in solitude and to reflect; not of fear but of hope

Being alone need not always be fraught with fear of the unknown and uncertainty
Being alone allows us to slow down, take stock and remedy, remake and rearrange our priorities

Loneliness empowers the soul and enables us to stretch our imaginations beyond the ordinary
Loneliness is not void; it reboots, reset and restore a tire soul lost in the rush

When you are alone, as we sometimes will
When no one seems to be near and available and every phone calls go unanswered

Don't despair! 
GOD is always with, and within. us

The power of prayers reinforces positiveness, and deflects misery, in Loneliness

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Points of Interest

I refer to the article by Professor Lee Wei Lin "Only fair to compensate living kidney patients". Money alone cannot, and will not, compensate sufficiently nor entice anyone to part with their organs. However, it is only fair that there is some form of compensation for their selfless acts as money comes in handy to help defray costs during recovery and for unexpected challenges that may arise.

Let us support this proactive approach to find alternative solutions to ease kidney failure patients suffering; Give the patients and the newly-mint Act a chance to evolve.   

I refer to the article by various grassroots leaders "MP has no trouble connecting with Chinese temples". I fully agree that Dr Fatimah Lateef is able, and capable, of engaging her constituents and has no problems connecting with Chinese temples in her ward. 

To further engage her constituents Dr Fatimah Lateef uses Mandarin to deliver her speeches at functions too. She is selfless and will go out of her way to help and has ready listening ears. Dr Fatimah Lateef, whom Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong praised for being a multi-tasker with tremendous energy, is one of the more forward looking Member of Parliament and does not shy away from her duties. Most importantly, she come across as religion and race neutral in carrying out her duties with a big heart.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Stockmarket - The Uneasy Calm

Stockmarket - The Uneasy Calm
Peace Of Mind 

The eerie silence and uneasy comfort of the market is deafening; are we out of the woods yet? Stockmarkets worldwide have rebounded from their lows amidst rescue plans and injection of desperately needed funds to keep the financial system afloat. But, this is likely to be a false dawn, at least, in the immediate few months!

For cash rich investors and those who needs to deploy their funds, its ideal to 'buy on weakness'; you will be right if you can ride out the crisis and time is on your side (a broken clock is right twice a day!). On the flip side, any need to reallize and crystalize cash to meet untimely demand may cause colossal damage. We can't time the market but we can take calculated risks.

What's the point of chasing after US$165mil (@ AIG) - its no small beer though - if US$700bil Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is expended with no respite in sight? What about the possibility of bankruptcy in the East European economy to the tune of US$250bil? Is South Korea tottering into the arms of IMF? And the sabre rattling North Korea is not helping the situation either. 

Protectionism has also reared its ugly head in various countries in different guises to the detriment of free trades.

Typically, after sharp drops in the stockmarket, falls in property prices is imminent. Will this time be any different? I guess not! Banks are averse to extending loans to property-related borrowing as the burns of sub-prime is as sizzling hot as the midday sun. Negative equity may not be here yet but when it hits home, recovery will be a long drawn affair not unlike the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis but definitely deeper... my guess is, we are trawling through uncharted water and probably into the eye of the storm.

I hope I am wrong ... for when I am right, few will be spared and there will be more suffering - a scene I do not wish to be witnessed to!    

What I want is a Peace of Mind; eat enough, sleep well and stays healthy. Tomorrow will come but live your/the best today. 

Without frustration and uncertainty, you will not realize obstacles do help built a superior you; we grow out of overcoming challenges where boys are separated from Man. 

But, few make it to the grade.

Best regards & God bless

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...