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Monday, March 30, 2009

How To Be Lucky

How To Be Lucky

However good you perform, someone will be dissatisfied
Whatever good you do, you cannot satisfy everybody
Life is not about winning all the time; it is about winning some, if not most, of the time
Nobody will pity you when you fail; anyway whats the point of pity? Get up, restart and get going.
The challenge is not to play to the audience but to give oneself a fair chance to success as no one will
Be Zen with life; we arrived alone and naked and shall return alone when the time is up
No amount of material gains can give you peace, health and happiness; the search is within
We are always moving forward in time but most did not follow through with thoughts and actions
Happiness and sadness are like sunrise and sunset; it comes in cycles
All have dreams but the brave, steady and determine crystallize dreams 
Do not despair!
Napolean has his Waterloo as Alexander met his Babylon 
Rich or poor, some day, we will have ours as Death is the Leveller
Live your best today though tomorrow will come
Do not underestimate the power of the mind; be positive, be ready and You will be LUCKY
Fortunes smile at all who are positive... be ready to receive 

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