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Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Tao of Loneliness


Loneliness is not about being alone nor abandon; its when time almost stall but life goes on
Loneliness allows one to be in solitude and to reflect; not of fear but of hope

Being alone need not always be fraught with fear of the unknown and uncertainty
Being alone allows us to slow down, take stock and remedy, remake and rearrange our priorities

Loneliness empowers the soul and enables us to stretch our imaginations beyond the ordinary
Loneliness is not void; it reboots, reset and restore a tire soul lost in the rush

When you are alone, as we sometimes will
When no one seems to be near and available and every phone calls go unanswered

Don't despair! 
GOD is always with, and within. us

The power of prayers reinforces positiveness, and deflects misery, in Loneliness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your poem.

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