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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Going Away

Home is where warmth is!

After so many years of travelling, its still the same; leaving home to go overseas is like fish out of water.
Not that I can't acclimatise but the thought of being away for some days is at times spooky.
I enjoy the uncertainty and the new, and I expect the unexpected.
But, then again every trip is new.
Alas, it must be age!

Guess, its also that the children are growing up too fast.

Travelling is demanding yet rewarding.
Travelling alone allows me to train my thoughts on 'being prepared at all times'.
No one knows the perils of travelling but you will never be safe anywhere in the world if you are any less vigilant.
But, with every trips overseas, you learn the blessings of a warm home.

It is home that I belong and relax.

Coming home is never the same; it gets warmer and calmer.
Guess, its age catching up.

Going away again? Yes.

In God I trust and my home is the globe.

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