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Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Silver Bullet

I am the wanderer

My journey started when I first saw light and made my first cry... my Cry of Conquests.
Where the journey shall be, how long is the journey, whats my tasks; I do not know.

Some said its destiny, some said its written in my palms but no one is sure.

My Creator asked if I really like to know what is to come as I move through space and time, I was doubtful if its of any good to know at all.

What am I going to do if I already know all that's going to unfold as I meander forward?

Until today my Creator still gives me the option to know the unknown but I am still not exercising the option. Why?

My living will be stale, my life will be bland if I know too much before hand. I will agonise over the bad, or potentially bad, events that has to happen and will spend too much time worrying that my good time will be over soon.

In life, its best to be a pragmatic, positive wanderer.
Come what may! Seize all opportunities and manage its attendant weaknesses, the results shall be an outcome that you have been longing for.

Get out of your comfort zone and move out of the box.
If you don't try, you have not given yourself the FIRST chance to succeed...
... & I

... I only need ONE chance to succeed

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