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Sunday, November 1, 2009

November - where Autumn turns into Winter

Regrets I have but few and minute, so tiny that they slip my mind like water through my hands

November arrives - 53 days to go before 2009 disappears

Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils”  

November is when Autumn gives way to Winter

We will enjoy the red and gold of Autumn before the wintry wind send shivers all round

I always enjoy the calm Autumn with the cool breeze slapping against my cheeks and the slowness of time inching towards the new year - only 1,272 hours left

I don't look back in distress nor with regrets; I only look forward in anticipation and with hope

I have used up 7,488 hours fruitfully; with some successes and plentiful of misses but definitely no regret

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

Hopefully, when Autumn ends, you are wiser than you are now!

Its time to take stock, slow down and appraise the past; may the wintry 寒冷Winter freeze your unhappy and fruitless past and when Spring arrives, you be rewarded with bundles of hopes and inspiration


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