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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Search...

Searching for your ideal ...

Life is filled with uncertainty and pygmalion effect; we search far and wide but it is the mind that wins the day

Frustration is when you can't get what you set out to achieve but having achieved it, a new bar is set

The battle to win is forever long drawn and the journey is fraught with perils beyond most

Only those with stamina, will and steely nerves will succeed; not forgetting the opportunists too

As long as you are happy with what you do, go ahead with whatever works
*Whatever Works - Written by Woody Allen

The ugly truth is always hurtful and denials are escapades for the lesser mortals
*The Ugly Truth - Starring Katherine Heigl & Gerard Butler

It is always good to remain silent, be prepared and be aware; pounce when opportunity presents

The World will never be equal, not even the Law of the lands; the only equaliser is Death

Death is the distance between birth and final achievement; "death" is not a scare word

Your shadow is longest at the setting sun and sunrise

Like opportunities; if you didn't spot one, you have to wait for the next

*Enjoy Whatever Works & The Ugly Truth

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