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Monday, July 11, 2011

CPF : i accept changes but universal promises must be kept

Change is the only constant...

In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present - Lao Tzu 

Social contracts though not legally binding has a moral face.
Universal promises are social contracts that must be kept, especially those that do not come with an option except acceptance; CPF is one example.

When we started working 20-30..40years ago, CPF withdrawal age was 50 years old.

Not only it has so many forms of deductions and schemes to retain the monies, the withdrawal age is moved to 60/62 years old. Omigosh, the goal post keep changing!

i. Why set the retain amount at >S$100,000? 

ii. How many people have that amount of money in their CPF when they reaches say 50, 60 or 62 years old after providing for the mandatory deduction or schemes?

iii. If they do not have the net retainable amount, shouldn't they be allowed to withdraw, say 1/2 or 2/3? Surely at that age, they know how to manage their monies. Whats the point of saving all the monies and never get a chance to use them? It is no different to say "I am asset rich but cash poor"

iv. Trust is a like a sword that cuts both ways. I rather get my monies and spend it than receiving a cheque, delivered/burnt to me after death. 

I believe the Government will continue to do alot of good as they have done before. They will continue to implement and execute good, not necessarily popular, policies.

But, like marriage, a promise is a promise; you cannot say "I promise but subject to ... "social contract or universal promise"

Any monies that cannot be taken out or used before the person passes on is a 'disguised Tax', ceteris paribus!

I can accept that CHANGE is the only norm but I also believe that TRUST is a two-way sword.

Will the leader or leader-to-be stand up and read aloud;
"There is nothing about which I am more anxious than my country, and for its sake I am willing to die ten deaths, if that be possible" - Queen Elizabeth I 

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