The only constant is CHANGE...
The Universe is in a constant flux of changes and manifestation; for each action, there is a reaction.
Quantum theory, a fairly abstract probabilities, not unlike Schrodinger's Cat - a thought experiment - the cat is either alive or dead, not both alive and dead; simultaneously dead and alive.
HDB - The concept of providing an affordable 'roof over the heads' for Singaporeans was admirable and it not only solved the housing problems but also allow vacated lands to be rezoned and redeveloped.
HDB built ahead of demand in lieu of resettlement needs.
Its noble intent has outlived its relevance as there is a dearth of resettlement. Nevertheless, HDB should continue with its role as a public housing provider.
1. Continue to offer reasonably priced HDB flats to first time married couples
(Unlike private developers, when you buy an apartment, you get a strata-title which means you buy the apartment and it comes with the land. In HDB, you only buy the shell in the air. If this argument does not hold water; isn't it true that during an Enbloc sale, your valuation include the land you sit-on whereas if HDB does an enbloc, you are barely compensated, like those under SERS?)
2. HDB can, rather than should, practice discriminate pricing; charges and collect a premium mirroring private housing market when a HDB unit is sold to a non-Singaporean, including PRs.
(HDB for Singaporeans by true blue Singaporeans; you make money from non-Singaporeans and not bleed our citizens dry)
3. The 'two children' policy was, perhaps, right at the time of implementation but it has outlived its relevance. You 'cannot turn the tap on' and start or increase 'production' to reverse the course; that's why its called procreation not production.
(Didn't someone knew or 'ought to know' that when the policy is successfully implemented, at some point in time, the natural population will drop)
4. If Singaporeans and/or married couples can have a safe abode, the procreation rate will naturally rise as they do not feel inhibited or restrained by 'ears on the walls' syndrome.
5. Foreign workers and 'FTs' are welcome to work in Singapore in areas that Singaporean workers are hard to come by, not because of depressed salaries but because of choice. Hardworkingness in Singaporean is a 'norm'; better still if he is paid reasonably well. Who wouldn't work hard and smart to 'protect his position' and progress if he is well cared and rewarded?
(Now that the population is at an optimal level to allow economic multiplier, it is time to look after the well being of Singaporeans).
6. Cost of Living - The high cost of living is caused partly by inflation and partly by direct and indirect taxes. Our taxes come in all forms; water tax, fuel tax, GST, property tax, ERP, road tax, COEs - you name it, you have it!
If all, or most Ministries, make money, by extension, the people have to foot the bill. For example, i) do we really need so many Ministries? I don't know! ii) We have hospital complexes for the restructured hospitals; are they necessary? Is hardware the definitive features or the software (doctors with passion) important?
Any policies, however noble and well-thought, that remain stagnant and non-progressive will ultimately loss its relevance and come back to haunt the 'thinker'.
We have high IQs but where is the EQs? Every right policies will not stay right permanently. At some point in time, it will become irrelevant.
Like the Universe, we need to change and adapt for the better. More importantly, any controlled environment, will implode over time as Society progresses.
Also, every Singaporeans is a talent, or talent-in-the-making; do you care to discover?
If you cannot make others lives a little better, please DO NOT make it worse!
Care and share; the wealthy man cannot sleep well and soundly if surrounded by all the poor, hungry and less privilege. You cannot take along anything when you die as "You Come Naked; Shall Return To Dusts"
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