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Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday - The End Or The Weekend

Working life is never the same with the net & web
Any day & every day is a working day
Stress comes in all shapes & sizes, every seconds of the day; likewise rewards
The blind sees light whereas many live in darkness immersed in misery instead of basking in glory

Small winnings, like droplets, fill the ocean
Count your blessings & whatever the Kingdom brings, it's never permanent
The first, the champions, the greatest will always be challenged; I happened to be the second best
It's my size in the fight that makes the difference, not my size

7 days, 24 hours/day
Work never stops, life cannot stop & I would not stop
I do not contest everything nor do I run away when challenged
I pick & choose my fights

Winning is everything but I win wars, not battles
I lie low when the chips are low & every return is a Strike & three strikes is a Turkey
Every moments is cherished & every breathe counts
Tomorrow is better & today's the greatest

Whether it's Friday, Sunday, Wednesday or any day
Time has been compressed & many are caught in the web
Give yourself the break
Take yourself out of the race

Whatever is yours shall be yours
Whatever is stolen, you pay more
Be humble & be grateful
Most importantly, be yourself

Any day & everyday is ......... The Beginning

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