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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Money Does Wonders, Without Money I Can Only Wonder

What drives a gambler? He knows he will win
The more he wins, the more gutsy he becomes
The casino fears no winners but quiters
Ten wins can't cover one loss as when you win, you spend. But, losses come from your wallet

Tycoons are made & winners rule the stock market
Quiters get to keep their crown
Players never double or quit but increase their exposure via credit
Every rise multiply gains but every downswing doubly cleans

Nobody wins until he leaves the table or quit the market

When the chips are high, the smiles are wide
Friends abound & wines flow - feasting is a new normal
Crowd cheers you on

Frown, fears & tempers flare  as chips lessen
Friends turned foes while debts pile
Only dreams & hopes will cheer you on

I was their wonder & idol
Without money, I can only wonder...

Money makes the world go round
Without money only doubts abound

When you have cash in your pocket, doubts give way to confidence

I have a dream; I dream I am a simpleton
I don't chase money but I do welcome money aplenty
I need to spend freely, without concern about opportunity cost
Then, I am rich

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