There are problems all around
The poor harbours intention to 'make it rich' while the rich struggles to find health
The poor laments about his life as a fisherman; living by the sea, fishing, braving the seas in sunrise & sunset, unsettled by the elements
The rich wishes he can stroll by the sea, catch fishes, enjoy the seas come sunrise or sunset
In urban living, living by the sea is a luxury which the fishermen cannot fathom
I don't mind staying in Pulau Ubin without the conveniences of urban living; anyone, care to change? I will double up as a Penghulu for the island for free...
Our island nation is too small to fill only one factor of production; labour. The fatigue is felt by earlier settlers & existing citizens as diminishing marginal returns set in
Doesn't the policy writers understand basic economics?
Surely, nobody minds competition (not a choice, at times) since only one make it [millions of sperms but only one egg ~ competition begins even before life starts!]
* Education is the elevator up the social ladder
* Preventive medicine is the most effective way to keep medical costs low
* Transport is the means to ensure free flow of goods & services
* Affordable housing provide the roofs to all & create a stable society
* Utilities, water, gas & electricity, give basic comfort
Jobs provide income to grease the above
The Government governs, the traders & businesspersons trade while the commoners provide labor; the seamless classes support one another
It is dangerous to create a 'Class' society. The elitist, born fortunate, must not alienate & ringfence themselves. The temptation to grab, control and dictate societal norms will breed resentment and rebellion; The rich cannot live in a 'sea of poor'
In most democracy, winner takes all
Parameswara (1344 – c. 1414) was the last king of Singapura. He who ruled from 1389 to 1398
Sir Stamford Raffles declared the foundation of what was to become modern Singapore on 6 February, 1819
The Federation of Malaya was a federation of 11 states (nine Malay states and two of the British Straits Settlements, Penang and Malacca)[2] that existed from 1 February 1948 until 16 September 1963. The Federation became independent on 31 August 1957,[3] and in 1963 was reconstituted as Malaysia with the addition of Singapore, North Borneo, and Sarawak.[4] & known as Peninsular Malaysia.
Singapore became an independent republic following an ejection from Malaysia on 9 August 1965
That much for history...
Now that everyone has spoken, the mandate has been given and it is time (overdue) to bury the past & 'work into the future'. Nothing good can come out of 'living and talking about the past'!
I am apolitical
I love my country
I certainly feel there is a need to Stop complaining & Start living
Let the new team (Ruler) govern
Let them try...whatever
If, it cannot be a better place, too bad
If everyone prospers together with a paradigm shift towards 'For Singaporeans, By Singaporeans...', you know you are in good hands
Go forth & multiply....
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