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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today Is My Day

Theories aplenty but few are applied and used
The weaknesses lie in procrastination and indecisiveness
Many know smoking is bad yet they smoke
Drinking is bad for the liver but many didn't abstain
Speeding kills but thrills

We must not delay what we need to do (asap) as time is perishable
Time past is cast into history
Last minute rush work has limits; I can rush but the documents may not be ready and the requisite signatory may not be around
Alas, we always think we can
But, the world may not wait for us...

Time and tides wait for no man
Life is finite
Time is ever-flowing; slow but steady
Youth, once gone, cannot return
Are we aware that tomorrow is never promised? Live well today

Come whatever
Stay fit & remain healthy
Without health, little is possible
You can find food, shelter and money but without's almost impossible
Do not trade youth for wealth & use wealth to pay for health later ...

Get up and get going
You can be late but not everything will nor can wait for you
Everyone is almost always busy but when your kin & friends are gone, every moments are cast into memory
Reminiscing the past is a hollow experience
There are no 'IFs' & 'BUTs" when it's over

I want to win but I don't mind being 2nd best
Winning is everything & the world loves a winner
Like you & like all winners, I just need to remain in the race
Winning do not necessarily go to the fittest, the fastest nor the smartest
Winner is ....

Apart from your kin & family, much time are spent with friends
Most friends are acquaintances and few can be called bosom
Many will make use of you for personal gains
Tricks, schemes, undermining, deceits...omigosh, the unending undercurrents in the 'world of bluffs'

Keeping in touch and keeping abreast of what's happening amongst friends is enough
Quarrels among guys typically centre on 'money & women'
Quarrels among girls have as varied reasons as the rainbow
To keep the relationship stable and sane, walk away from quarrelsome friends...never wrestle with a pig

I am who I am
You need not bother about what others think of you as most times, you are not even in their thoughts
You may be rich, powerful and famous but when 'death the leveller' arrives, all are equal
Live your best today and everyday

Be compassionate and 'care & share'
Everyone arrives nakedly to an uncertain world
When you return, everyone is uncertain where you gonna head to

Live happily & healthily - today and everyday as tomorrow is never promised

The world is yours to conquer...and for you to live to tell your story

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