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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Positively Today

when there's nothing to say...

It's great to be a good listener; listening intensely & deeply is an art
Where you allow the person to pour out all that is in his mind emptying a bucket of sludge
But, with an empty mind, the person must be prepared to change, refresh & adapt
A Zen Master once said "If you are like a completely filled cup, nothing can go in.." Ummm
Another said "Give me a baby and I can make him an angel or evil" ~ conditioning
Many can get pass stress with minimum impediments
But, one life lost is one too many

Can the monk, priest, pastor ~ the religious man ~ resist temptation? Sure, most can
Ice melts when heat is applied; water froze when temperature drops
Day turns into night as the moon draws the tide
Every drops fill the ocean ~ as flowers do bloom in the desert
The ecosystem is balanced
There is a solution to every problem
Fear not; somewhere, somehow, someday will find your ideal

How does one work himself to a corner and feel trapped? Constant resistance drain one of energy
The best swimmer can't make it by swimming against the tide
It is easy to say 'Yes' or 'No' but it is never easy to 'do nothing'; remaining calm & unmoved is Zen
Long after everyone is gone, the last man left standing is the winner
The bullies, the dictator, the scums, the perpetrators fear most is 'the eerie silence of non-reaction'
Deng XP said "...remain cool, calm & keep low but be ready to pounce when opportunity presents"

Can you?

I always thought I can & I still think I CAN
Until I am being challenged with one leg over the cliff
The mind is a loose instruments filled with emotions ~ the fear to loss
The loss is not restricted to the self but a 'show hand' deal
There is nothing to loss if I am alone; being born & dying is not my choice
I am acutely aware of my temporary existence
No moment is lost ~ I live in the currency of time

Help others as you will help yourself
Make room for others and make their lives a little easier & yours will be too
Harmony can be harnessed through compassion & sharing
The good will triumph over evil in due course
Slow down, rest but don't quit if you are tire
Everyone will achieve his/her ideal and goal ~ soon


Tomorrow is not promised but it shall come
What good does it make if tomorrow comes and you are gone? Live to see the next sunshine
Call, do not wait for others to call you ...
If you want anything really badly, you will just have to DO IT
My heart lightens with every smile however bad the day is
I'd live long enough to have my last laughs

GOD willing I will find my goal


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