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Thursday, December 1, 2016

When Winter Comes

cool, cold, freezing ...

What have I done for the last 11 months that slipped away 'like a moments breathe'
The last breathe is always the final not unlike time
Time shall never return ~ time and tides wait for no man
Whatever hopes, fears & aspiration of yesterday remains ~ not fulfilled yet

As I look back I have gain little materially but experiences aplenty
I have had unending challenges and uninvited troubles
At times, the tides were overwhelming and chocking
Giving up was the best solution ....but

The smart stay on the wayside and let the backlash flows
Swimming against the tides is an impossible; Nature is ever overpowering
Get up and get going was not the choice; it's best to immerse & blend into the environment
Live to fight another day

When you were young, there were abundant energy but little experiences
When you are old, there is little latent energy but plentiful of experiences
But...if "it must go wrong, it will go wrong"; fighting Murphy is chasing our own shadow
If Fate is predetermined, then 'sit-by' & wait

Alas, I have wasted no effort but continued my moves forward
Where there's a breathe, I battled on
Not for fear of losing out but you really do not know if you are near success ~ nearly succeed is nil
Struggles are only possible if you are well and alive ~ keep going

If tomorrow comes

Winter is a time to relax, recharge, recuperate and relieve the pains
Many resolutions are 3/4 empty and many hopes are... just HOPEs
I had many misses; always hopeful & never felt hopeless
There is nothing that cannot be achieved 心有多大 舞台就多大

天时地利人和 ~ 天助我也

I never wait for the new calendar to arrive
Everyday is the best day
I fight to gain in every challenge ~ it's the fight in the dog, not the size
Am I scared & discouraged? Discourage, perhaps, but never scare

Rest if I must, but never quit
Tomorrow, I shall shine & rule
Today, the hurtful and tire Soul is under repairs & maintenance
With God's input & blessings ~ the latent me shall resurrect 


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