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Friday, July 28, 2017

The Days We Were

the dignity of living is affected by ...

When the country was founded and growing up, the educated plot the strategy, the master builders build, the white-collars administer and the ladies 'man' the house
There were pains, sufferings, difficulties but all were overcame with sweat and smiles
Rewards were equitably distributed and the lame, less-abled & less fortunate were taken cared of
Many moved ahead, prospered and ploughed back
Backbreaking jobs were carried out where machines were scarce
Jobs were aplenty and income disparity were present but the gini-coefficient was narrow

Care and share were bathe with sweat and smile
'Nobody will be left behind' was a working motto and the system cared for the economically disabled
Housing was built for all as the promise of 'a roof over your head' was sowed and reaped
The Executive, the Mid-Class, the Working Class and the peasants were in the same boat
Regardless of race, language or religion
Base on justice and equality ~ meritocracy even out the social ladder

When politicians fight for a cause, the Nation prosper

Those were the days...

Rewards for efforts flourished and academic excellence smoothened the climb out of social poverty

Comradeship was built through societal care

Everyone and every efforts are recognized, however small

Leaders lead by examples and commoners took sacrifices and gave way the greater good

The future was planned; from labor intensive to capital intensive to value-add

High technology and high finance flamed the growth as pools of local were trained to fill the jobs

The citizens were uniformly identified as Singaporean ~ Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian, others...

Motivation - Reward - 

When you pay enough, they work
When you pay enough plus incentives rewards, they work better and use initiatives
When you pay luxuriously, they ringfenced their positions, delegate responsibilities and needn't work

Nobody will rock their own boat and be replaced
Every other races and nationalities will bring in those of their own types and hides and replace locals
For each his own ~ the economic refugees will empty the coffers, burn the Cos and leave the country
Few will take residence
Few to nil invaders live to build your country ~ economic locusts and termites simply destroy

Unless Singaporeans revert back to protecting Singaporeans' interests and livelihoods, displacement, enforced retirement and unemployment will be the norm

Those were the days

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Do, Don't Do Or "Wait For The Appropriate Moment"

getting into the act of actioning ...

Many times, we procrastinate and time flies
Then, we bemoan the waste of time listlessly
But, if we had rushed to action it, that could be the least appropriate or uneventful time
Doing for the sake of doing is a waste of resources
No attention should be expended on wasteful commitments

There is a time for everything, including idle time

Baby is 'demanding' time; cry and your milk shall arrives
Growing up is 'freedom' time; free from economics obligations
Graduation is 'working' time; finding income through acquired skills
Family is 'commitment' time; commit every resources ~ the hunter got to hunt to place 3 square meals
Twilight is 'retirement' time; looking back and count your blessings or grumble about wastefulness

Time is toughest when ~
Where the heart is ready but the physique is weak
Where working to feed oneself is a necessity & not a choice
Where falling sick and feeling tired is no more a choice
When dying is not a given 活生生的 不是生活

Time is sweetest when ~
You are in love or think you in love
Where everything you want materializes
Where finance, health and wishes flow
The ocean is green, the sky is full and the bank account is filled
Birds sing and everywhere is clean, green and nice

But, everyone passes daily with norm and much ease
However much, the pains remain, the happiness enjoyed, the laughters shared ...but mundaneness rule
This is our routine
Nobody rocks the boat even when costs of living overwhelms and breathing is living
How easily it is to satisfy mankind? The elites lord over the commoners
Guess, you take a spark to start a fire

Many struggle under pressure; the need to live in dignity
There is no fairness in the Land with one Law book but Dual practices
Discrimination and persecution underlies the 'rule of Law' where privilege recuse one from the Book
The social ladder is encrypted where only the chosen ones can climb
Such are the dose of anarchy waiting to implode
A society without pressure-release valve is the ideal 'ground zero'  

Nobody wants nor plans for anarchy
The briefest ideal is constant, uninterrupted, simple living ~ food, water & roof over the head
Humankind must not be deprived of the basics ~ the right to live with dignity
The chance to succeed in their dreams are additional bonuses
Some day, some where ...a King is born
This is the silver lining in every clouds

Do, Don't Do Or "Wait For The Appropriate Moment"
If it is true that there is time for everything, then let the next time be sugar, spice and everything nice
When forced to the wall, many/all will fight back
Live and let live ~ spare the little such that harmony can be prolonged
No rich man can live in a sea of poor

Similarly, everyone is seeking a humble, dignified life

The world has no fools, stupid perhaps
Someday, some how; all truths surface
Do ~ the right things, not necessarily the best
Don't do ~ do not push everyone to the wall : an action will cause a reaction
Wait For The Appropriate Moment ~ alas! who determines this blissful moment? God knows

So long as we breathe, there is a true moment

Friday, July 14, 2017

Change 改变

change is the only constant...

How do you change after 30 years, 50 years, 60 years? Typically, its circumstances
Forced changes are circumstantial, seldom volunteered
Forced changes maybe due to bankruptcy, broken relationships, business disagreements, family frictions..
It is always more painful when forced upon
Needless to say, volunteered changes are sweet, spice and everything nice

Many smoke and drink until health forbids
Some party like there are no tomorrows until their wallet breaks
Habits are second nature
To change is almost impossible
But, when threats & death come a-calling, change is a definite

Whoever says change is impossible

Change yourself, your attitude & the world changes with you
You cannot change others, not even your dearest
Also, sacrifice nought in attempting to change others ~ it is an illusion
Never, never try changing the world

When I was young, I was righteous, helped the weak, defended 'turfs' and fought for rights but, alas, swimming against the tides is impossible
Nobody, will lift a hand to evoke change

Everyone has a weakness; drinks, friends, food, games
When you are deeply entrenched, it is almost impossible to extricate yourself out of it
It is called "habit"
When money is scarce (parts), habits change too
No money, no honey

We all endeavor for a better tomorrow, be distinguished and polished yet 'wealthy' enough to afford the basics plus the classics

Nobody changes for the worse, I opined
But, if that's true, we will all be living in Utopia
If everyone pollutes the Earth (the oceans are filled with plastic bags & such)
Someday, the whole ecosystem collapses and we will bear our own witness
How can we ever change others to make the world, Mother Earth, better? Impossible
It is always 'his problem'

Someday, Earth will be so badly damaged that you will have to change to survive

Will you do it now? YES... it's no more a choice
Let us make the world a better place to live
For a start, let us make Singapore a better place with the restoration of our "Pledge"
The rich cannot not live in a sea of poor; change or be changed? The choice is obvious

Waiting 等

time and tides wait for no man...

Wait, waiting ...
The game of waiting is not just patience but stressful
Waiting for exams results, waiting for approval, waiting for recovery.. waiting simply kills
Why wait when you can force the issue? The fact is, many issues cannot be forced; fight or flight
A simple act like 'waiting for the phone to ring' is painfully stressful

Why wait when a simple dial can cease the 'sufferings'? Ego, pride, challenge...alas! who blinks first
Being the initiator portray weaknesses, show submission or simply 'give up' but life can be smoother
Human chooses to cringe, siege and challenge non-event ; the display of intimate illusive prowess
Instead of going with the flow, many choose to 'pick bones 鸡蛋里挑石头'
Living is suffering, so they say! But, I am sure sufferings are self-inflicted

Hold on ~ patience
It is good to be patient as a moment of rush could result in the collapse of ideals built over time
But, waiting can be frustrating albeit necessary
When the butterfly crawls out of the pupa, it takes a while for its wings to dry before it flies
If you attempt to assist to break open the pupa, the butterfly's wings will be damaged and its condemned - unable to fly and disabled for life 

Acting on frustration is a moment of folly
Getting even is better than getting mad
Patience is the 'art of being able and willing to wait blankly'
Waiting is the 'art of exercising patience aimlessly'
While the world moves on, we make an informed choice

I dont believe in waiting; I keep on exploring, ploughing, experimenting, trying ...
It can be frustrating and stressful though
But, if I do nothing, the impending result may also be nothing
That is why I admire those who can sit there ...waiting 发呆
Life is filled with choices: "Do, Don't Do, Do Nothing"

Time is finite
Life is impermanent
Whatever fits

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...