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Friday, July 28, 2017

The Days We Were

the dignity of living is affected by ...

When the country was founded and growing up, the educated plot the strategy, the master builders build, the white-collars administer and the ladies 'man' the house
There were pains, sufferings, difficulties but all were overcame with sweat and smiles
Rewards were equitably distributed and the lame, less-abled & less fortunate were taken cared of
Many moved ahead, prospered and ploughed back
Backbreaking jobs were carried out where machines were scarce
Jobs were aplenty and income disparity were present but the gini-coefficient was narrow

Care and share were bathe with sweat and smile
'Nobody will be left behind' was a working motto and the system cared for the economically disabled
Housing was built for all as the promise of 'a roof over your head' was sowed and reaped
The Executive, the Mid-Class, the Working Class and the peasants were in the same boat
Regardless of race, language or religion
Base on justice and equality ~ meritocracy even out the social ladder

When politicians fight for a cause, the Nation prosper

Those were the days...

Rewards for efforts flourished and academic excellence smoothened the climb out of social poverty

Comradeship was built through societal care

Everyone and every efforts are recognized, however small

Leaders lead by examples and commoners took sacrifices and gave way the greater good

The future was planned; from labor intensive to capital intensive to value-add

High technology and high finance flamed the growth as pools of local were trained to fill the jobs

The citizens were uniformly identified as Singaporean ~ Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian, others...

Motivation - Reward - 

When you pay enough, they work
When you pay enough plus incentives rewards, they work better and use initiatives
When you pay luxuriously, they ringfenced their positions, delegate responsibilities and needn't work

Nobody will rock their own boat and be replaced
Every other races and nationalities will bring in those of their own types and hides and replace locals
For each his own ~ the economic refugees will empty the coffers, burn the Cos and leave the country
Few will take residence
Few to nil invaders live to build your country ~ economic locusts and termites simply destroy

Unless Singaporeans revert back to protecting Singaporeans' interests and livelihoods, displacement, enforced retirement and unemployment will be the norm

Those were the days

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