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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Surviving The Tough Times

work a little, work to survive...

Time is bad but like day and night, it shall pass
Tough time dont last, tough people do
I ran cross country in my school days and I knew I just need to pace the front runners
I need to keep up and slow down if I must but never quit
In my second run, we came in Champion; not because we can but because we paced each other
That's "Motivation & teamwork"; I suddenly discover I need the same in my (current) life

I am struggling and many of my days were darker than I can handle
Everything seems an obstacle; it simply fails
The zest, perseverance, the positives...were all maxed out
Either you give up or you sink further and deeper
I did neither; I just stare into time ~ stagnating time
Not doing anything is also a solution

As time passes, dawn breaks, day brighten
Tough, rough but it shall
Sometimes, the sky opens up & pours
I take that as showers of blessings
The wetness cools the Soul
I know I shall return to glory...sometime soon

Those who made it will always encourage you to continue and be patient; your day shall come
Asked Bill Gates, Jack Ma, your Ministers, the multimillionaires ...your day shall come said they
I believe too
It will be lighter if I can say the same ~ isn't that an irony of life
The "HAVEs" advise the "HAVE NOTs" ~ the Champion encourages his competitors
Keep going and do not listen to doomsayers

Whatever don't kill you, makes you better

More importantly, stay alive and keep going
Dead man tells no tales
When you are not around, you cannot savor the best meals nor breathe the freshest air
Do not wait for sympathy as our crowded 7billion +planet has more evils than you can think of
Go with the flow
Some day, some where, some how will arrive

GOD willing, I will succeed

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