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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Anger & Danger

anger is bad for health...

Anger hurts the liver & causes troubles; some are irreparable
Anger destroys and is a moment of folly
Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die ~ Buddha
Sometimes, we do not know why we get work-up but the truth is 'the powder keg' bursts
When you tolerate too long, stomach the punches & nuisances... alas, it cracks
It is best to speak out in a cool, calm manner than to swallow the sorrows

My vision of good health is to clear everyday's problem
If you can resolve it, resolves it
If and when you can solve it, you have a choice to pursue the perpetrator or forget it thereafter
There is no need to bottle up
Some day, some how... when you look back, it's such a relieve

The bitterness of revenge will leave sour taste in your mouth
The sweetest revenge is victory over your adversaries
The slippery vengeance is clouding your mind and bars you from any positive outcome
Let go and lightens the heart
There is no victory in destruction

Walking away from anger is like walking away from Hell
You either hurt another or be hurt
Both end up losers, no smarter nor wiser
If pain and suffering is the reward, anger is the cause
Get up, get going...loosen up and everything gets better

I have deliberately move away from unfriendly, aggressive provocateurs  
They are sure and sore losers; bringing you down is their satisfaction
I may loss a little, suffer some dents but anything that doesn't kills lead to progress
Clear the mind of sorrows, anger and live in peace & progress
The next time, you are about to burst out with a ... punch, curse, profanities

Take a deep breathe, count to 10, then speak

 There is no reward for anger

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