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Friday, July 14, 2017

Change 改变

change is the only constant...

How do you change after 30 years, 50 years, 60 years? Typically, its circumstances
Forced changes are circumstantial, seldom volunteered
Forced changes maybe due to bankruptcy, broken relationships, business disagreements, family frictions..
It is always more painful when forced upon
Needless to say, volunteered changes are sweet, spice and everything nice

Many smoke and drink until health forbids
Some party like there are no tomorrows until their wallet breaks
Habits are second nature
To change is almost impossible
But, when threats & death come a-calling, change is a definite

Whoever says change is impossible

Change yourself, your attitude & the world changes with you
You cannot change others, not even your dearest
Also, sacrifice nought in attempting to change others ~ it is an illusion
Never, never try changing the world

When I was young, I was righteous, helped the weak, defended 'turfs' and fought for rights but, alas, swimming against the tides is impossible
Nobody, will lift a hand to evoke change

Everyone has a weakness; drinks, friends, food, games
When you are deeply entrenched, it is almost impossible to extricate yourself out of it
It is called "habit"
When money is scarce (parts), habits change too
No money, no honey

We all endeavor for a better tomorrow, be distinguished and polished yet 'wealthy' enough to afford the basics plus the classics

Nobody changes for the worse, I opined
But, if that's true, we will all be living in Utopia
If everyone pollutes the Earth (the oceans are filled with plastic bags & such)
Someday, the whole ecosystem collapses and we will bear our own witness
How can we ever change others to make the world, Mother Earth, better? Impossible
It is always 'his problem'

Someday, Earth will be so badly damaged that you will have to change to survive

Will you do it now? YES... it's no more a choice
Let us make the world a better place to live
For a start, let us make Singapore a better place with the restoration of our "Pledge"
The rich cannot not live in a sea of poor; change or be changed? The choice is obvious

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