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Monday, May 7, 2018

The Brightness Of Aging And Time

may you be ...

One third of 2018 has passed & May has arrived unannounced but just as decidedly commanding
Nothing much has been achieved yet every day is a challenge
Guess, living is about taking out every day succinctly and with minimal efforts
Whether you are happy or sad, rich or poor, hungry or gluttony, weak or strong - time flies
When was the last time you visit or speak to your parents? Or, nevermind👻😈

Time and tides wait for no man 岁月不留人
Like it or not, time moves by the seconds and the physique rebuilds or deterioriates
We all die over time & death's the leveller
Do not leave the best till tomorrow or any special occasion as our expiry begins with the last breathe
Consume all that you want in moderation & in earnest cum enjoyment

Tomorrow is never promised

I was helpless and in the dumps
I never complain, grit with determination and a zeal to live
I arduously trudged the hash conditions; a step at a time
Deep inside me and with HOPE, some day, I'd see daylight
I did & I learnt not to fall into total darkness again

I use a match stick to beat "there is light at the end of the tunnel"
I don't maneuver in total darkness初一 but on full moon初十五
The stars are my lighthouse😍
When my chips are low, i recoil into oblivion
Live to fight another day 人在事在 人亡事无

There are no heroes; dead heroes are called Martyrs

No amount of rewards can bring a dead man back to live
Your family & dearest ones need an 'alive you', as always
Together, conquer the future with ease but zest
Lightens the heart and stay healthy; health is the best present to ALL

Your parents feed & clothe you
But, when they aged, you hardly have time for them
Being too busy is the commonly heard excuse

Do you notice they'd cook your favorite dish repeatedly just because you love it & you complained "oh! same dish again"; that's an expression of 'silent parental love'

Whenever you are faced with failures and setbacks, you borrow their shoulders to cry
But, in your glorious times, they are a distraction, annoyance and burden
They will pass on ...soon
And, you'd be old in due course
Your offsprings will dish out the same treatments to you; it is not that you handphone has no battery nor money, it's Karma visiting you

We may be creatures of comfort and convenience💦but life is finite
Do not bite the hands that feed you & detest the calls your aged parents dialled
They just needed to know you are well and safe
They knew their hourglass is running out
Give them your attention, however minimal

There is NO generation gap; it's for you to bridge it

I may not have achieved much but I have a peace of mind
Time shared is time manifested 
 Someday, life becomes a memory

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