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Monday, July 2, 2018

A Better Tomorrow Starts Now

free, idle or simply nothing better to do...

Being free is different from idling
There are times when I must do something
Though I may not need to do anything
That's the toughest

When the mind idles, let it idle
But, the idle mind is a devil's workshop
Worst, mine is filled with webs of wasteful ideas
I cannot allow myself to be wasted away

By proceeding to do something out of nothing
I inevitably step onto the wrong direction
I seek guidance in the AlMighty but Her instructions is "moved not & be contented"
Yet, I move
Human follies aplenty as we seek guidance yet slides into dismay paths
The end result is nothing but loss of resources, time and self-agony

A simple "Good Morning" is what I often send to many friends and acquaintances
Some respond, many don't
Some wonder why I'm so free👀😀
I do it to motivate, encourage and "say hello"

There are a few who can never respond as they have pass on
They happen to be the nice ones who returned my "Hellos"
Do not ever think it's age ~ young ones pass on too

I have read and learn that I should "ignore those who never respond"
Good advice; I just send when my heart agrees
Maybe, some day, they will never ever receive my "Good mornings & hellos again" ~ after I pass on

This is an old shack/house in a dilapidated village in Penang
But, within lives a Master whose orthopaedic skills the western doctors and science would admire & yearn to have
He cures many with broken bones & illnesses that western doctors termed "vege-state" or "hopeless"
He don't seek fame nor fortune

I have known him for many years & have referred some to see him 江湖神医 ; only those who believe will visit 缘分

He is busy at most times and his patients come from 'words of mouth'; but when I visit him, he will always make himself available
I am honored

What has this to do with "free, idle or simply nothing better to do..."

I try to help or offer help to the less privilege, poor and less fortunate
I contribute to society in my own small way
A peck of water in the desert is better that a feast in the oasis
I try to fill my free time with an awesome bucket lists instead of straying

Some day soon, I will also leave this world
I shall do whatever I can to contribute to the betterment of Mankind
There is no shadow of greatness, just like drops in the ocean, I shall play my role
My intent is clear; to build a better tomorrow

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