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Friday, July 20, 2018

Time & My Bucket List

getting ready to change & to begin changing...

The logic of change begins with ourselves but few realize
Many try to change others to effect change but, alas! Never
Using the same formula and method to solve an existing problem is a mule's choice
If it can & shall, the problem would have been extinguished
There is method in his madness

Sitting by idly & alone is not loneliness
It allows mental indulgence发呆 ~ to slip into void-space
A corner where dreams and reality mix at no risk
Getting up and unwind does not mean avoidance of reality
Some times, some day ~ this is where sanity revives

Keep away from negative people

The power of realization lies in the self; nobody can bail you out of misery and failure

7+ billion Earthlings peppered around Earth
Sadly, they are broadly classified as Whites, Blacks & Yellows ...the skin color
What about aborigines? Unclassified
During natural disasters, the world becomes united to save and salvage
Blood donation rise
When saving lives, nobody ask if the blood comes from "white, black or yellow"  
Yet, they discriminate racistly when well and alive
Wars and destruction are all man-made

GOD did not create 'classes' of people but human beings

July is 2/3 gone and the year is more than half utilized
Time and tides wait for no man
The tough gets tougher in a challenging world
Nothing is promised

Winners get the trophy and write history
Losers bite the dusts
Complaints and remaining indifference never change the course of life; it prolonged sufferings
If you want to make a difference, stand tall, adopt changes & the world change with you

I have been compacting time, adding stress to myself
I am in a hurry as i aged & move nearer to expiry
My bucket list is full with much to do
Will tomorrow comes? Yes
If it doesn't, my bucket list expires too
I am a Lone Ranger

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