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Thursday, August 2, 2018

August - The Power Of Our Mind

augustɔːˈɡʌst/adjective: august respected and impressive....


Sometimes, you venture into the unknown and returns alive unaware that you have just walk passed

valley of death

Nobody dies if his time is not up

Go forth, explore and discover

There is no limit what you can do

What the mind tinkles with, it crystalizes and manifest


Death does not hit the aged

Deaths call upon anyone when it's time to go

Death ...the leveller

The aristocrats, rulers, working class, peasants levelled 平起平坐 when death knocks


Young is when energy brings you everywhere and anywhere

Mid-life is where problems abound; 上有老,下有小 眼睛一开 问题就来 

 Old age is where preservation rules; no energy to rush, little problem to be found


Morning is where everything begins again

The continuing agony, problems, frustration.. were issues not left behind last night

It is best to resolve the bad & whatever before sleeping

Impossible? No 放不下是因为还可以扛

Let the new day be new


酸甜苦辣 春夏秋冬 这就是人生 

The world loves a Winner & stays away from losers and whiners

You must make a sane choice

Keeping everyone within you yet staying afar from the 'leeches of acquaintances'

Be useful to the world but avoids being used

Work smart, not hard

The best player succeeds after loads of pains, sacrifices and rejections but everyone only see his success

Life is so easy

Always show the best side of yourself

And, the world goes gaga with you

Keep cool, stay calm & remains healthy

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