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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Health & Staying Healthy

health is the only wealth...

There is no wealth, fame, power and happiness without health
Death is the leveller
The incessant madness to collect more and stashing more monies are results of greed & 'bullying'
The commoners slog, strive and struggle to remain afloat & their strengths is in "staying healthy"
Without health, their lives will be 'gone to the dogs'; the unmonied person is worse than a beggar
Society has move so fast, too fast indeed, that many are left behind and struggling 活生生的
The bourgeoisie and the proletariat are becoming one; ruled by the elite few

Making a livelihood生活 and struggling活生生 to stay alive are world's apart
The former can make do while the latter struggles
Life should not be toyed with and made harder as we work for a living & not live to work
100 years is only 36,500 days & many cannot achieve 2/3s to 3/4s
Why bother about heaven and hell when living on Earth is worse than Hell? Karma is the adjuster
Make no mistake; live well and live best whatever comes

Whatever fits
Smile, scream or weep; time still moves
Never cry over spilled milk
Walk pass all the difficulties with ease
There is no prize in wallowing in self-pity
道理很多 常识很难找或做
Happiness lightens the heart

Smiles leave behind emo-energy & cosmic strengths
Wrinkles of smiles do not show on the face
The wrinkles you see on faces are carved over the years of agony, frowns and disappointment
Smile; you arrived crying & you better return happily and smiling
The worldly smiles win admirers 

The smiley faces of this crew changed history
Before their journey, the Japanese ruled with brutality, coercion, looting & cruelty
If you use moral suasion to negotiate with bullies & dictators, it's futile
Fighting fire with fire is the decider

There is no right or wrong; you may need the pains to stop further destruction and sufferings 
An "Order", a "Command" must be respected & executed in a timely manner
Will history be any different without the "Fat Boy"? Probably; the burning of Hell in Nagasaki & Hiroshima brought the message home to them

I do not advocate violence
But, if need be, fire shall stop further fire
Life needs no violence but violence needs to be exterminated with any means
Fight to win ; do not just fight
The healthy few shalt rule the weaken crowd
All messages shalt be delivered without a doubt
If need be, the healthy few shalt floor the elite, dictatorial & dominant group
Nobody can or will be bullied forever

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