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Friday, August 3, 2018

Nothing Is Easy

nothing is easy...

All that glisten is not gold
The lighted city harbors costs yet opportunities
But, what value does a city holds if it is Soulless
The vibrancy of the city is in her people
The presence of lively and highly spirited populace is like a match-light in total darkness

What sparkle is not the hardware but the lives populating the city 

Giving up and leaving the city is a loser's choice
The sunny island was usurped of its Soul where money overrode compassion and share
Empty promises rules the roost 

The rivers open into the sea
As you venture out, your opportunities widen
The route to success is paved with myths of distractions to delay those in doubts
There is a need to be focus, determined and self-motivated with sprinklings of grits

Who wins? Definitely not the weak hearted and discouraged

The Winner/Champion is always being challenged as there is only one Numero Uno
The only way is to keep improving on the lead & tired off the challengers
GOD don't determine who wins the trophy but shalt bless those who persists
Given a chance, everyone must try as giving up is never a choice

01082018一发一发1818 came and left
Prosperity, luck, happiness are all associated with
Frankly, happiness is a choice

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