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Monday, September 10, 2018

Life & Death Where Deaths Cannot Wait

life and death is not a choice...

When death comes a calling, nobody can delay nor seek extension
The time to return and the method are never pre-announced
Neither are you allow any lengthy delay

My friend was near death as both his kidneys failed but he opted for a transplant; today he is well and lively
Another was healthy and vibrant but his doctors discovered that he has stage-4 liver cancer and told him he has, maybe 3-4weeks to live - this is the 2nd week
A shot out of the blues; one return from death's door & the other to enter

Is there such a thing as "Wait, I am too young to die or I am not ready to go"? No, it's all pre-programmed
Some called this destiny

Make the best of today & live to the fullest
No matter what strike you, you mood & you stature in life
Do all that you can and want to
The butterfly takes its first flight when its wings are dry after metamorphosis
You cannot experience nor enjoy transfiguration without the miracle of Nature's conversion
 Live to the fullest before the last breathe leaves

In life, experiences count
Looking back, the forward can be plotted
We can learn from books, mentors, guardians and experiences...
Every step forward builds upon an earlier lead
We learn from the past to make the future better
Disruptive knowledge and invasive methods will cannibalize & rework existing flows

Will technology and AI displace and replace humans? No, but the ways forward change

When time is compacted, the speed of change accelerates
Stress level increases and the 'normal' is no longer relevant
In effect, the human race is racing faster towards the end ...
Do you need to rush? No, the end will come ultimately

Beautiful? Yes
Real? Maybe
This part of town was reclaimed from the sea
The leisure boats were there but cannot enjoy a cruise by the bay
The pride of the financial town built for the locals but 'infested' by foreigners
Everything look picturesque; standstill
It's so surreal

Like living organisms, the city populace mix changes
Adding one factor, labor, while holding the other factors constant has caused dismemberment of an identity built over the years
The social fibre & identity have been diluted
Everything is... & feels artificial
Will the death of some ideas change the equation? Probably
The only constant is change

Death the leveller
Death is never a choice
Stay healthy, happy and make hay while the sun shines
Do whatever your heart leads you
There is no right or wrong, on consequences
If you can & is willing to bear the consequences, go ahead to conquer the world
Life is never stagnant



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