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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Stop Counting Beans

counting beans or beans counters...

I got this message &, cannot but, accept that it is complete route to happiness
Sleep to recuperate, exercise to stay healthy, eat to 'refuel' & finally, procreate

What is it like if human don't replace themselves? Extinct
But, with 7bil + and growing...
There is a need to conserve

There are enough food for all
But, ego, religious differences and the 'need to dominate' will destroy mankind
There is no room for human rivalries

Whoever think that I shalt rule you will die together when the desperadoes react desparately
MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction is not a joke; it's a reality

This was a nice park at EastCoast but there are so many construction on-going
The Authorities has no creativity nor wider vision in deploying the spaces to good use
After redeveloping a piece into a park, eat (F&B) & pubs, they are duplicating many along this stretch
Holy ghosts; creativity is a scarce word
Do you need so many of the same? Cut and paste
Why not leave some spaces for Arts? Singapore is short on Social Sciences application and long on hardwares
You have seafood centre, food centre & now F&B centre
Why not throw in : weekend markets, carmarts, drive-in food wagons, walkabouts for the elderly and terminal patients, ball games, performing Arts...
Give is some life, not just hardware & not just some controllable (fixed) factors

The bean counters budget billions$$ for war machines but little for health, social needs and education
If more are spent on the well-being of the people, less will be needed for fallen-comrades, medical and aftercare
Generally, the majority are apolitical
Why bother train huge armies and lethal weapons when these are destructive? The people need food, shelters and 'motivation', not arms that kill

The world will not go hungry if resources are adequately spread to meet the needs of the people
Weapons are the toys for the powerful, rich and famous
The earlier that the rich accept that 'you cannot live in a sea of poor', the better the world will be
The faster the poor accept that the 'world will never be equal', the less frustrated they'd be

Don't be a bean counter but spread the beans and joys
Saving mankind is not our job but sustaining a healthy, happy, conducive and guarded ecosystem is

Tomorrow is never promised but nobody can survive a polluted world
Death is the leveller  

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