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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

You Are The Problem

suddenly, many people are saddled with problems...

If you think ghosts are scary, human are worse
You don't know what hits you until you are cheated, smoothered, deprived and destroyed by many close to you
That is the reality; ghosts don't hurt nor come near if you do not believe in their existence
Be aware and beware of sweet nothings and whispers of everything nice
Anything that is too good to be true; chances are it is

Believe in yourself

The world is polluted with greed, envy and decadence that a pure heart can hardly survive

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil is not good enough
We must "right a wrong" and speak out against evil intents
The bullies will not go away simply because you ignore them
If you need to hit back, hit hard
The fight is in the dog, not the size of the dog
Talking down to you is mental harassment; put a stop to it

In our fight against the stronger ones, nothing beats a hearty repel    
If you don't try, you'd never know
The ecosystem is filled with misinformation, half-truths, propaganda  and fake news masquerading as real
Strangely, many are bought in, regretted, frustrated but still accept these as "gospel truths"
The road to hell is paved with gold

自找苦吃 You have a choice 世上没有后悔的药
When you were mislead once, that's a mistake
When you are mislead twice, you are a fool

Seek peace
Seek serenity
Life is about making the right choice and seek salvation
All the greed-gifts earned contaminate the heart & fill one with regrets, uneasiness and discomfort
Be cool and calm
Live a simple life; the square hole upon death measures the same for everyone

Karma has no menu; it serves the same as what your desirous heart demand

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