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Monday, October 15, 2018

You Need To Provide For The Future

when the egg is broken...

Spring, summer, autumn, winter
Autumn is a time to harvest and reflect
Leaves are shed so that trees loss less vapor & energy whilst lightening up in the wake of wintry winds and chills
Nature orchestrate the change of seasons to remind everyone that 'nothing is permanent'; we need to adapt
The way forward is the end ...

Enjoy the beauty of autumn's gold as fools rush
Slow and enjoy the beauty, the breeze, the surroundings - the entire ecosystem

When life is at a cliff, there is no chance to 'give-up'; either up or over
Many have been there and returned to prosper
Some loss their grip and ...end
There is no living heroes; all heroes are dead

I am all alone when I hit the cliff many times
Many offered help but when I called upon it, I realized it was all 'lip-service'
Worse, some even benefitted from my misery
But, I survived, return, prosper and lead a quiet life away from the limelight

There are that few bosom friends
有钱有利 酒肉朋友数不清
没钱失名 真成朋友 一手抓
Everyone loves a winner
This world is ruled by 'the strongest survive and winner takes all'; the earlier you learn and accept it, the better you will be

There is a saying that 'the tyrant will kill most but will keep some"
Even in dictatorship or communism, there is a semblance of oppies around
While the Bull is 'worshipped' in the financial market, the Bear is equally needed
Yin & Yang coexist harmoniously
Without an egg or with a broken egg, dreams are dashed; you have to leave some for the future
If there is too much sunshine, it is a desert
Whatever you do, spare some for future needs

Stay healthy and happy
Without health, living is a misery
No amount of money can buy you health nor pays someone to suffer your pains
Get real
An egg presents future opportunity but a broken egg can only offer you an omelette

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