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Wednesday, October 31, 2018


the month of volatile movements and uncertainties ...

The last quarter of the year starts in October and it's almost the end
With 62 days before 2018 expires, i am still a wanderer
Wondering why 2018 was not economically productive nor rewarding
The struggle continues...

There were almost 95% misses with 5% consolation
There were more other people's problems that i resolved and calmly overcame than mine
Loads of "YESes" turned out to be "NOs and UNDONEs"; I coolly walk over & away
Smiles were forced upon & smiles returned

I smile; come rain, sunshine or snow
Living in agony, envy, self-pity and pains is not my life
生生养老不病时间到..死 I can accept
Live best when others live worst; that's the Art of Living
GOD never intends us to indulge in miseries

As the wintry winds kick in 寒冷的冬风
It is time to slow down, recuperate, recharge and to re-live when Spring arrives
This is the time where hurts heal and the fittest survive
This is the time to repent and not re-offend

Tomorrow is November
We step closer to the end... end of 2018, end of the year, end of to be
Keep healthy, stay fit and sane and lie low to restore your even self
When the opportunity presents, pounce

Time and tides wait for no man

I remain hopeful

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