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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Who Am I? Where Am I Going?

comings, goings & wondering ...

Leaf, bud, flower...fades
Efforts aplenty but enjoy a little at bloom time
Nature demands attention yet reward sparingly

Is there a value in Nature? Yes, but it's a long term exchange
You put in tender-care and the ecosystem balances out with beauty

However, Nature, once destroyed, will take years upon years to recover yet sometimes...never
The Globe that we live in is suffering from years of disrepair, pollution and contamination
Man will someday self-destroy
Without industrial wastes, Nature was able to recycle, treat and dissolve them
Mother Earth is suffering an aged-old, decay death is nearing

i am young and have many younger friends
Age is a number but the body needs maintenance and food to grow
More importantly, the Soul needs positive motivation to continue
No body can flourish into a fully mature, successful and sustainable being if half his mind is decaying
The Spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak
When the mind freezes, the senses stall

Go forth and push for new frontiertes; conquers tomorrow's fear, today

I started work with little education as my family was poor
Working for the next meal and helping to put meals on the table for my family was a norm
Complains are/were rare as survival outweighed everything else
Learning and gripping the ropes of survival was a necessity
Work hard but being wiser and smarter saved the day

Grit, diligence, enthusiasm, hard workingness and street-wisdom -  keys to successes

No body dies of hunger if he is willing to eke a living
That's only as true as can be, provided he is fairly healthy and mobile
Nobody wants to be sicked & rhetoric like "you save on medical costs by staying healthy" is irrelevant as sickness may strike the healthiest person at the most untimely moments
Do not presume that any able body persons do not want to work or are lazy

It is easy to judge others but spare them some thoughts - Asians want face 

Many successful tycoons start from next to nothing but "an idea"
They believe in themselves and their "ideal"
Can you? You can too
Nobody knows the end game but the successful people know their end goal
To make it, you need to have a destination, a goal, an objective - some call this "destiny"
If destiny equals fate, I want to decide it myself

An action will cause a reaction
Put your best efforts into working on your dreams
It will manifest & blossom in the most unexpected moments
Trust yourself, then GOD
As GOD helps those who helps themself


Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Nature Of Aggregators

adding & multiplying manifest...

A Nation is formed by grit and commitment
A good leader leads his flock to higher grounds
There is no escape from hardship but when you are struggling to survive, there is no time to complain
Ploughing and 'prodding' the ground is no small efforts
Heaven will always listen but not answer; you can ask but you need to work towards your goals
Landprovides whatever you want & work on. You cannot have papayas if you sow rambutan seeds
People - that's you
You ask Heaven/GOD for help but you gonna work towards it

GOD helps those who helps themself

A Nation must be led by the Lion, not sheep; worse if it's fox
No Nation can sustain, improve and prosper if it's divided
Worse, if there is a class divide and struggle    
Singapore will always be my home
I will defend it at all costs, not for myself, but for my fellowmen & future generations
Sometimes, the enemy is from within
At other times, they were invited (in) or disguise as Trojan Horses
It is naive to say "it's not my business" as I will sink together with the island like "Syonan-to"
But, I cannot win alone

It takes two hands to clap, make sounds and fight
Not resisting and fighting is patience, not weakness
Always fight to win
You must demonstrate your limits底线 to the aggressor
No one is a coward, a pushover or a weakling
Nobody should wait 'til the last straw
Everyone wants peace, sustainability and prosperity

Only fools will fight for fun

We have many circuit breakers to ease off the pressures of life
When down; reset, reboot & restart
Going down is never an issue; it's about getting up and running again
Are you around when Spring returns? Rest, if you must

The aggregate of pressures need to be released
Stress are motivators too
You are forced to react or to retreat: fight or flight
Relax, retreat and recuperate - lie low when your chips are down
We have our bad days, down days, rough days...but all shall pass

Give your best shot to everything you do
Support a good cause and offer to lift up a dull's day - SMILEs
Smiles cost nothing but turn dark moments into delightful encounters
SMILES lighten the heart and aggregate positive energy

Some day, some how...the better things return

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Day - Labour & His Fate

labor, laboring and laborious...

We work to live and not live to work
The man needs to bring bread and butter to the table and to provide a roof over his head
When you slaved to pass a day, life is miserable and torturous
Money is a means of exchange but you can "eat from the earth" by planting food
Bartering with others is another possibility; rice for eggs, eggs for fish, fish for meat
GOD did not make us slaves

"Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life." — Marc Chagall


Man lives with dignity and the integrity of provision of reasonableness of finding work, hence income, so as to live in fair comfort and ease
Men are generally apolitical
Many will trust the few to provide the "roof, food, jobs"; it is all about care & share
When the few seek sharing with the many, the group prospers and are generally happy
Nobody wants to rock the boat and ruin peace & stability if there is enough to go around

"The concept of dignity of labour took people off the street." ― Sunday Adelaja


Bricks and stones break bones, not words
Working smart is better than working hard 
Laborious and backbreakingworks are manual intensive and the workers must be paid equitably
Any wages below the living wage is slavery
Similarly, if the top is reaping luxurious incomes while the mass is getting crumbs, it's exploitation
Slaves are non-thinkers even as a group, henceforth easily exploitated
May Day - a day dedicated to the workers 

The proletariat were once fiercely organised
They were able to arm-twist and make demands on the bourgeoisie
Then, came the Rulers who arbitrate and provide a 'bridge' & brew middle path solutions
This gave birth to the Tri-Partite arrangements - a seemingly fairer distributions of incomes
But, when the bourgeoisie goes to sleep with the Ruler, the workers suffer

Manipulative Union chiefs are the "waterloos" of the workers  

"Fairness is not an attitude. It's a professional skill that must be developed and exercised." –  Brit Hume

A lot of people have their big dreams and get knocked down and don't have things go their way. And you never give up hope, and you really just hold on to it. Hard work and perserverance. You just keep getting up and getting up, and then you get that breakthrough. Robert Kraft
Read more at:

These will individually goes into labour, not laborers

Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems. Brian Tracy

Let there be equality and a narrowing of the Gini Coefficient






Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...