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Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Nature Of Aggregators

adding & multiplying manifest...

A Nation is formed by grit and commitment
A good leader leads his flock to higher grounds
There is no escape from hardship but when you are struggling to survive, there is no time to complain
Ploughing and 'prodding' the ground is no small efforts
Heaven will always listen but not answer; you can ask but you need to work towards your goals
Landprovides whatever you want & work on. You cannot have papayas if you sow rambutan seeds
People - that's you
You ask Heaven/GOD for help but you gonna work towards it

GOD helps those who helps themself

A Nation must be led by the Lion, not sheep; worse if it's fox
No Nation can sustain, improve and prosper if it's divided
Worse, if there is a class divide and struggle    
Singapore will always be my home
I will defend it at all costs, not for myself, but for my fellowmen & future generations
Sometimes, the enemy is from within
At other times, they were invited (in) or disguise as Trojan Horses
It is naive to say "it's not my business" as I will sink together with the island like "Syonan-to"
But, I cannot win alone

It takes two hands to clap, make sounds and fight
Not resisting and fighting is patience, not weakness
Always fight to win
You must demonstrate your limits底线 to the aggressor
No one is a coward, a pushover or a weakling
Nobody should wait 'til the last straw
Everyone wants peace, sustainability and prosperity

Only fools will fight for fun

We have many circuit breakers to ease off the pressures of life
When down; reset, reboot & restart
Going down is never an issue; it's about getting up and running again
Are you around when Spring returns? Rest, if you must

The aggregate of pressures need to be released
Stress are motivators too
You are forced to react or to retreat: fight or flight
Relax, retreat and recuperate - lie low when your chips are down
We have our bad days, down days, rough days...but all shall pass

Give your best shot to everything you do
Support a good cause and offer to lift up a dull's day - SMILEs
Smiles cost nothing but turn dark moments into delightful encounters
SMILES lighten the heart and aggregate positive energy

Some day, some how...the better things return

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