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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Who Am I? Where Am I Going?

comings, goings & wondering ...

Leaf, bud, flower...fades
Efforts aplenty but enjoy a little at bloom time
Nature demands attention yet reward sparingly

Is there a value in Nature? Yes, but it's a long term exchange
You put in tender-care and the ecosystem balances out with beauty

However, Nature, once destroyed, will take years upon years to recover yet sometimes...never
The Globe that we live in is suffering from years of disrepair, pollution and contamination
Man will someday self-destroy
Without industrial wastes, Nature was able to recycle, treat and dissolve them
Mother Earth is suffering an aged-old, decay death is nearing

i am young and have many younger friends
Age is a number but the body needs maintenance and food to grow
More importantly, the Soul needs positive motivation to continue
No body can flourish into a fully mature, successful and sustainable being if half his mind is decaying
The Spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak
When the mind freezes, the senses stall

Go forth and push for new frontiertes; conquers tomorrow's fear, today

I started work with little education as my family was poor
Working for the next meal and helping to put meals on the table for my family was a norm
Complains are/were rare as survival outweighed everything else
Learning and gripping the ropes of survival was a necessity
Work hard but being wiser and smarter saved the day

Grit, diligence, enthusiasm, hard workingness and street-wisdom -  keys to successes

No body dies of hunger if he is willing to eke a living
That's only as true as can be, provided he is fairly healthy and mobile
Nobody wants to be sicked & rhetoric like "you save on medical costs by staying healthy" is irrelevant as sickness may strike the healthiest person at the most untimely moments
Do not presume that any able body persons do not want to work or are lazy

It is easy to judge others but spare them some thoughts - Asians want face 

Many successful tycoons start from next to nothing but "an idea"
They believe in themselves and their "ideal"
Can you? You can too
Nobody knows the end game but the successful people know their end goal
To make it, you need to have a destination, a goal, an objective - some call this "destiny"
If destiny equals fate, I want to decide it myself

An action will cause a reaction
Put your best efforts into working on your dreams
It will manifest & blossom in the most unexpected moments
Trust yourself, then GOD
As GOD helps those who helps themself


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