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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Turbulent Times

the pendulum swings ...

Life never ends and flips from good to bad and reverse
Just like sunrise and sunset
The four seasons come and go and remind everyone to pace their life/lives
It is not the length of down times that 'kills' but the intensity
Throw in 'impatience' and you will be almost totally incapacited
Many a person surrender for lack of patience

MaoTzeDong said "ignore it and it wouldn't hurt. Don't think about it and it didn't exist"
If you can ignore the pain, the hurt and the setback; nothing cuts
When Man is non-emotional & have no expectations, he is one realm above many
He can accept the good and the bad with equanimity
A Man can repeat a lie a million times such that all others believe it is true
All men are gullible

Self-beliefs drives the person 

When you are down, lie low; the world loves a Winner...losers are 'punished and banished'
Rostrum are for victors
There is time for everyone and everything
Rest, recharge, recuperate, wallow in self-pity, heal the wound...just don't rush
Some day, some will return a better person and be able to fight better; if only you knew
Yuan ShiKai, Deng XiaoPing, Putin, Dr Mahathir & many others waited and arrived in due course

Wars are all painful, vengeful, merciless and regretable
But, many who survived the turbulent times return to prosperity and luxury
Normal life is abnormal to many
Just live the best you can when the situation is worst; you shall float up when good times return
It is all about surviving the "downs"; the "ups" is near heaven & need no guidances

I am not very smart
But, I wait in line, prepare my mental capacity, gather knowledge and skills, stay healthy & be ready
When the opportunity presents, pounce
Victory is the best and sweetest revenge
There are no turbulent times, just "down times"
Get over and it is the new phase....   


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